Love Is Not a Poker Game
Do not be afraid to be tender. Let your heart be what it is. Allow your sweet heart to be the softness that it is. Your heart doesn't want to be toughened. Hard-heartedness is a sham in any case. Be the tenderness of love. The texture of your heart is not meant to be leather-like. It is meant to be the sweetness of sweet cream. This is true for man and woman. There is no valor in hardheartedness.
Budding Hearts
A strong heart is not tough. A strong heart is generous. Tight hearts are pinched, and therefore weakened. Never think you must harden your heart in order to make it strong.
A tender heart does not get broken as you may have thought. You don't need to gird up your heart. Remember the resilient willow tree that bends and bows with the winds.
Your heart is not meant to dry up. How can your heart flow in love when it is wizened and dry? Refreshen your heart. Tears were meant to moisten your heart, not to dry it up.
The Lion and the Lamb
When you are in competition with one another, you are on a see-saw. Today you're up and tomorrow you're down. If you compare your life to another's, if you compare a moment of yours to another's, you are on a see-saw. Life is not about better or less. It is not about gaining or losing. It is not about winning or not winning.