rest and sleep
That Which Never Sleeps
You may like to sit around a lot, yet your body likes to move. That's what your body was made for. You have a physical body while you are on the physical plane. What do you have it for if not to move?
Even a newborn baby moves its arms and legs.
Of course, your body rests too. Exercise. Rest. Exercise. Rest. There is a rhythm, sort of like the way an inchworm moves. Pull, stop. Pull, stop. Toward, stop. Toward, stop. Pull, catch up, pull some more, stop some more.
Beckoned by the Sun
Expand and contract seem to be the rhythm of the world. Cold contracts and heat expands. And so go the seasons. Winter closes unto itself and spring bursts into bloom.
And so you, My children, also have your seasons, those in which you are active, and those in which you are less active. Each serves the other.
Could there be spring without winter?
Could you survive a life in which you were always scaling the mountaintop?
Is not taking life at a slow pace as much a part of life as going full steam ahead?