Share the Joy

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, what do You wish to say about patriotism?


It is a limited love. Nation is an illusion, mutually agreed-upon. Love the entire universe with that patriotic energy. The sense of Oneness that a parade and 4th of July give is a sample of Unity. It is a practice session.

I say, Why channel your love energy in such a narrow inlet when you can embrace the whole ocean?


This is a small question. Everyone seems to love fireworks, and I don't.


You don't have to. Galaxies thrill you more. A rose does. An email from Karen does.


There are other people who love galaxies and roses and so forth, AND they love fireworks.


You don't have to love fireworks, Gloria, and you can't make yourself love something. The advantage of firework displays is that they are shared by many, and so a joy is multiplied, just as your joy in HEAVEN is multiplied by the many readers.

The key word for you today is share. Don't misunderstand. It is joy to enjoy what you enjoy, and solitary enjoyment is fine. Furthermore, anyone can share your roses by coming to look at them or hear you talk about them. You do not have to deliver roses. The galaxies are available to all. Even your joy with personal emails can be shared, your joy can.

What you share is the joy, Gloria. Make certain you give away some of your joy. It is not to be kept to yourself.

If you only go to the store today, give some joy to the checkout person. If you go nowhere today, see that your thoughts spread joy.

If you have moments to attend to your house, attend to it with joy, not dismay.

Shine your light on this day. Brighten it. Layer your day with joy. Have some laughs in your day.

Display it.

Caress it.

Uphold it.

Nourish it.

Like it.

Spiral it.

Dance with it.

Today is your canvas to paint. What color will you choose?

Today is a song you compose. What notes do you strike?

Today is a cake. What kind? You have all the ingredients to make any kind you want. Three-tiered? Loaf? Flat? Heart-shaped? Take your choice.

Today is a ribbon. Roll it out.

Today is a kite you play with.

Today is a wrapped present that you unwrap.

Today is an uncharted course.

Today is a blade of grass growing.

Today is a string of rosary beads you touch.

Today is a parade of life.

Today is the fifth of July.

Gloria to Mother Divine:

Dear Mother Divine, now that Joyce is doing her own Heavenletters, I feel closer to her. It's like we share Heaven, and we know we have the same Heavenly Father Who loves us equally. Now wisdom seems to spout from her lips.

I was saying I don't know how to take a day off; I love receiving Heavenletters too much to skip a day, but if I could skip a day of typing I would, only that would mean more typing the next day. I said I just don't see any way to take a day off without making more work.

Joyce said, "Get out of your box."

That is what you and God would say. So simple and wise. Of course, there is a way. I don't have to figure it out. I just have to get out of my small thinking. God is the how!

Joyce's wisdom is leaking out. Rather, God's wisdom in Joyce emerges. It was always there. Now she begins to see her preciousness and expresses herself more.

Mother Divine:

Joyce and you share many similarities. Everyone does.


Now Jon is writing up a storm of Godwriting, and it is magnificent. I feel a parting now however. He has his own devoted line to God, and his joy in Heavenletters is less. He used to call me on the phone every day and read me his favorite parts. Now he reads from his! I miss his focus on Heavenletters. His wonderful enthusiasm still stirs mine, but I'm afraid I'm a small, self-centered, egotistical being.

Mother Divine:

God does not want you to need so much input from others. Focus on God's words, and not outside attention on them.

You have a very specific job. Listen, write down, type, disperse.

You are like a file clerk in an office. You do this and that; you don't expect accolades from the staff who work with you. You don't expect them to recount your filing and how good it is. What you care about is your employer and his satisfaction.

I assure you that God is well-satisfied with the work you do for Him. Let that be your focus.

Don't miss the past. Live the present.

Think of how happy you are for Jon to have his own full Source openly right with him, that his attention is on God, and that you are joined in a far deeper place than his telephone calls.