sense of ease
Here, There, and Everywhere
Consider your heart like a fish with gills that swims. How smoothly the fish goes through the water! It is as light as a bird in the water. Nothing blocks the fish. He just keeps swimming and swimming and goes where he wills. The fish loves swimming, and the fish flaps its wings, as it were, and takes flight in the water. The fish soars.
The Pace You Set
You look for completion. You like to finish with things. You like to be done. You think you would like to have nothing to do, but, of course, you always find more, and you wouldn't like it at all if you had nothing to do.
Much of your activity is like skirmishes, making a circle with a cloth as you wash a window or going from room to room, circling each room, trying to find something. Whatever you are doing is a little thing that carries great importance to you at the time. Everything you do is in little pieces, and yet you make them big.