Radiating Energy like the Sun
I would like to talk about the world as an apple in My hand, a most beautiful rosy red apple, radiating energy like the sun, radiating My energy like the sun. I hold this apple, and I adore it. I set it in motion to twirl, and so it expanded itself, and now the round apple of the world holds you. I hold all in My hands. I hold with love. Not one speck of life on the world is without My love. The world is an apple of My love. The world is the orchard I have planted. I gaze adoringly on My orchard. I am well-pleased.
To Be Yourself
I have said that you are your own culprit. Your are the source of any complaints you have. This is nothing new, but have you recognized it yet?
Here are some things you can do to avoid opening yourself up to anyone's displeasure and your seeking another's approval. It begins with you, beloveds.
Have Trust
I, your Father in Heaven and on Earth, have given you everything.
How is it then that you can lack confidence? Confidence I would give to you. Have it now. We commune in confidence. Now have the surety that goes along with My confidence. When I have trust in you, why do you not have trust in yourself? There are two things to be most confident in — Myself and yourSelf. In God and Self We trust.