secret to life
The Secret of Life
Suffering seems to be a recurrent theme in worldly life. It seems to have an ascendancy. It is a prime focus, the suffering itself and the escape from it. Surely, life on Earth must be about more than the presence or absence of suffering.
Suffering has starred in the world.
Substitute love for suffering. Love will take the sting away. It is only the body that can suffer anyway. And ego. Keep your body and let go of ego. Your body is the car you ride in. Ego is all the extras. Ego is not necessary to the running of the car. In fact, ego uses up your fuel and gets you nowhere.
The Golden Summit of Love
The secret to life is to sit with Me.
Knee to knee We sit, as it were, and We look into each other's eyes, and We are becalmed. In truth, We have never been anything but calm. More than calm. Celestially serene. Heavenly still. Immersed in quietness, We awake. I am you, beloved. I am the hub. And you imagine for a while that you are on the outskirts.