Sand Castles

God said:

Dry your tears, beloveds. You cry for naught. This imagined life on Earth is over in a blink of the eye. All the tragedies get washed away as if they never were. It is true that everyone dies. It is also true that no one dies.

You sure love a good story. You watch movies of your own life. You appear on Broadway, and you perform the story of your life. You bring in others’ stories as well, and you insert your life in the dramas that are others’ imaginations too.

Life on Earth is a will o’ the wisp. You’re not. You’re forever. You are undying. Only the stories fade. Your heart keeps beating. Your soul flaps its wings. All stories get over. The unreal doesn’t stay. It was unreal to begin with.

Nothing can happen. All the events on the surface of life are only events. They are written with a pencil, and then erased. The tides wash over them.

Sand castles are built, and the ocean washes them away, leaving the sand smooth. Where are the sand castles now?

Are you sad that life on Earth is temporary? That it is only a passing fancy? But, of course, a fancy given much credence. It is very real to you. You think your life depends on it. You are not here only for entertainment. Even when a movie is a tragedy, it’s still just a movie and, therefore, entertainment. Tears well up, and laughter bubbles, and both stop. In terms of the world, there is an end to everything, to everything you hold dear and to everything you would avoid.

But the Being you are stays strong. Your Being is a mighty force. But it is not to be reckoned with. There is no reckoning. There is love. Love and life cannot be separated.

You love forever, but you love only for a smidgeon of time on Earth. It is so little, you might as well not count it. You might as well live it instead. You well know that the temporary is also precious to you, so why not enjoy it?

A cake once eaten is no more. That doesn’t mean you stop baking cakes. It means to eat them while they are still fresh, and whip up some more.

While Earth life is still before you, delve into it. Eat. Eat every morsel. You have a proclivity toward life. Swim in its water, and come up for air. Be a fish who swims through sand castles.

The temporality of time tells you that there is none. The ticking clock clacks like cue balls in a game of pool. The cue balls bounce against each other and make noise. The fork runs away with the spoon. And planets revolve.

What is going through your mind right now? Let the sand run through your fingers. You are not to keep it.

When you don’t try to hold on to life, you enjoy it. When you hold it tight, you don’t enjoy. Willy-nilly, you will get through your life on Earth one way or another. Everyone survives it. Even at the moment of death, you survive. What is yours cannot be taken away. And life is yours.

Life on Earth is like a pail you take to the beach. It is yours to play with. You can fill it up, and you can empty it. You can fill it with many things in many places in many ways. You can also swim in the ocean from where the pail came. And why not, beloveds, why not?


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