responsibility and freedom

What It Means to Serve

God said:

From what do you flee? Knowledge of yourself? Is that why you run around so much and involve yourself so much in others' lives? What are you afraid of finding out? Are you afraid to find out that you are a Holy Being established in Truth? Or that you are not the blessedness I attest that you are? What do you run away from?

You may complain about the rat race, yet you are not confined to it. When you run around so much, there is something you are running away from. When you are not at peace, you are fleeing something.


God said:

There is not a moment wasted. All the moments you think you waste are okay. They provide ballast for you. They are spacers. They are called for. You cannot be going full-steam every moment. You are entitled to some idle time. You are entitled to time in between. You are entitled to breathe. Perhaps no one ever told you that before. Breathe, My children, breathe.

When you consider that, in the true arena of life, time does not exist, how then can time be wasted? How can what is not and never was be wasted? Is it not a fact in the world that energy can never be wasted?

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