Reminders of God

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Diane to God:

Dear God, You have often advised me and others to turn our attention to You rather than to attend to what does not feel good. This is, of course, an excellent suggestion. I have used it often, but I feel my use is rather awkward and crude. The only thing I can come up with, when I am starting to feel bad, is to just keep repeating God's love, God's love. This does help a great deal.

Do you have any more how to's to use in the moment? short list to carry around in my pocket? I am always looking for bridges to connect the human with the Divine.

God to Diane:

My dear Diane, I am laughing. All you can come up with is to keep repeating God's love, God's love! I am content.

Why do you feel that's awkward and crude?

I want to tell you, that when it comes to Me, awkward and crude are good, because they are real. When a man that is lame walks, he may appear awkward, but his walking may have more of My strength behind it than the gait of a sprinter.

Glib and smooth with Me you don't need.

I am a match in your heart. Whatever lights Me is good.

Here is the key: Do not separate the human from the Divine. They are not separate. Until that is automatic for you, anything will do to remind you of Me.

Rosary beads remind people of Me.

You can wear a ring or a bracelet that you designate as Mine, and they will remind you. Emboss My Name on the palm of your hand with your fingertip, and it will stay there, and you will remember Me. When you put a hat or coat on, think you are covering yourself with Me. As you button a button, remember Me. Put your hand over your heart, and you will find Me there.

Remember to think of Me, dear Diane, when you feel good, or something nice has happened. Thank Me.

When you first smell the fresh air, thank Me.

When you first awake, thank Me.

When you feel your love for dear Molly, thank Me.

When you feel your love for anyone, thank Me.

When you feel your love of yourself, thank Me.

When you eat some of My beautiful food, thank Me.

Be conscious of Me.

Consider that I am your Companion, which I am, and be polite, attentive, and aware. Perhaps, let Me go before you. I will open doors for you and lead the way.

A time will come when you have to think of Me no longer because you will trust and count on Me the same way you know that blood flows through your veins. You breathe constantly, and don't think of your nose! You hear and don't think of your ears! You see and don't think of your eyes!

I am like a genie in your heart, Diane.

A time will come when you are aware of nothing but Me so you won't have to think of Me! You will know nothing but Me. You will float in My heart, and I will swim in yours.

Until that time, perhaps other Heavenreaders would share some beautiful ways they remind themselves of Me.

Joyce has already mentioned how she puts some of My catchy phrases on her screen saver and so finds a reminder of My love for her.

You could have cue cards in your purse or pocket. Yes, quotations from Me would be a good way to remind yourself of Me.

Write My name on bits of paper and hide them all over the house, under a dish, over the sink. Paste My name on your mirror.

Have a slip of paper in your wallet along with your dollar bills. The slip of paper says, "God loves me."

Decide that I am the color yellow or blue or whatever color you like, and when you see that color you will remember God.

Decide that all candle and electric light will remind you of Me.

Decide that the light in all eyes is Mine, and you will be reminded of My love.

Find a poem you like. Memorize it.

Go to an art museum, and find Me.

Go to a concert, and hear Me.

Wash dishes with Me in your heart, for in your heart I am.

When you walk, think: "I walk with God."

When you sit, think: "I sit with God."

When you talk, think: "I talk with God."

When you wash a floor, think: "I wash this floor for God."

When you open a door, think: "I open this door for God."

When you go to sleep, think: "I sleep for God."

When you wake up, think: "I wake for God."

Think: "I am for God. He made me for Himself. I am what God made. He thinks of Me constantly. I will reflect His love. I will reflect My God. I will embrace My God. I will look up at My God. I will be to My God as He is to me."

Diane, you are a precursor of questioners. You do not ask your questions for yourself alone. I know you ask your questions for more than yourself. I think you ask them for Me.

Gloria to God:

Dear God, in the same batch of emails with Diane's, actually right after I read Diane's, I read the following one that Kelly sent. I felt that Kelly was answering Diane's question for You, or You were answering it through Kelly.

The email was a poem by Hafiz. This is the poem:


Find that flame, that existence,
That Wonderful Man
Who can burn underneath the water.
No other kind of light
Will cook the food you