Reminder about Guidelines, if you please!
Please remember we want to keep this forum uplifting and welcoming to all.
Because there are people from all faiths here, and some from none, we stay away from references to religion. There are plenty of other forums on the internet where you can post your thoughts and feelings about specific or general issues related to religion. We ask you not to on this forum so everyone who comes here can feel truly comfortable and welcome.
This isn't a site where anything goes.
We're real people here, and we all have personal issues and hurt hearts. Not one of us is without some pain. Yet this is a spiritual site, and the focus is on rising above our personal heartaches. We don't want to dwell on them here -- or anywhere. Better to keep being open to what God in Heavenletters says, and soon our hearts feel better. Little by little, this really does happen, and so we move forward.
God bless you all for posting. Thank you.
With love,
Gloria .