Remembering Truth
Phil to Gloria:
Dear Gloria, Heavenletters will accomplish wonderful things, and I suspect the most wonderful of these you will never know about — what a funny paradox. What a delightful aspect of the Spirit that the most wonderful miracles are often small and unseen.
On one level, it is sad that the teachings of our greatest spiritual teachers are lost over time. However, on another level, what a delight that we get to learn them all over again! There is something very, very important in the learning.
As Heavenletters say, there is a plan and it will prevail. Heavenletters open a link back to the Spirit which allows a flow from God. Some feel this stronger than others, some only on unconscious levels. The way in which the words form is important too. It is amazing how an event can be having an impact on different levels for different people all at the same time. How wonderful it would be if we could all achieve this level of efficiency.
It is interesting that the Toltecs define morality in terms of efficiency, not in terms of right and wrong. They modeled this on the movement of Spirit Itself.
That we are at a delicate juncture is a prophecy of the Toltec. They believe that we are at the juncture between what they call the fifth and the sixth sun. The mold of man is a gift of the Creator. When you examine this, you must be struck by the fact that the human creature has capabilities which are never used. Heavenletters show one such example; they show that we have a direct link to the Spirit.
The mold of man was created for a destiny which will hopefully extend for millions of years. So far, we are only 100,000 years or so into that destiny; we are infants. The evolution of our species will happen in leaps. One such leap will hopefully come soon, if man is capable of it. That will be the arrival of the sixth sun!
Gloria to God:
Dear God, I find it so interesting, everything that Phil says. I wonder if it is because the Toltec knowledge is all new to me; I've never heard it before, so I really hear it.
All truth has the effect of drawing you further. And perhaps you knew it once and are remembering.
Harvey told me once he was between waking and sleep and was recalling what someone had once said to him: "An enlightened person can know everything. But God knows everything simultaneously, at the same time." Then Harvey heard an inner voice say: "It's being able to love everything simultaneously." That must be the multidimensional efficiency that Phil speaks of.
Love is the most efficient thing of all.
What Phil said about not knowing what the most important thing Heavenletters does or will do — doesn't that have to be bringing hearts to You?
It is immeasurable what I will do through all the ways I do it. It is enough to know that I will do it. My Will be done.
During last Sunday's Ask God Continuing Ed Workshop, this Godwriting that came to me:
Dear God, how I have needed this meeting. What is it? It's like there is more of You here than when I am alone, or, it's that I can just watch You and not be "up".
It is the self in others. How beautiful to share Me, talk about Me, discover Me, repeat what I say…What a very good continuing ed.
But you are in kindergarten, do you know this? Be glad. Maybe first grade.
Time stands still here. It doesn't go fast. It doesn't go slow. Just timelessness. No time at all.
Sweet open honest sharing. What a gift to Me. Opening your hearts to Me.
I feel all of you looking up at Me. Do you feel Me looking into your eyes? I look into them and pass right through them. I am an Arrow of Love that shoots through all of you. I am an Arrow that never stops. You just have to stop to feel Me pierce your heart.
While people were writing, I went upstairs to get another notebook. From the top of the stairs, I looked down and saw everyone in the process of Godwriting, comfortable, happy, turned in their different postures, and it was like seeing flowers, God, it was so beautiful.
That is like how I see.
It seems like everyone at the workshop is feeling this new surge in life in Heavenletters and in the world.
One cannot be without the other. My children and the universe are so entwined. You move one way, and you pull the whole universe with you. You move another, and it's the same.
Consider yourselves a team of horses, and the carriage you pull is the universe.
Yet the universe also pulls us?
You make the universe.
Sometimes it's easier to pull than other times.
This is energy We are talking about. The push and pull of energy. Love energy. The energy of love. My energy.
Also about Phil's comment, that there is something very important in the learning.
Yes, the process.
Exercise is not for its outcome. It is for flexing the muscles.
What you are doing here on earth is remembering. You call it learning. But you are relearning. The act itself opens the heart. It puts bright spots there. All discoveries are re-discoveries. What is it that you re-learn? You re-learn Our association. You remember Me and Our connectedness. You remember truth. You remember love, Gloria.