remember who you are
How to Know God Better
You are just a hop, skip, and jump away from Me. You are not really even that far. You are close. You are closer than close. You are My very Being. Somehow you slipped through your very own fingers, as it were. Your eyes don't see that which is right in front of you. Perhaps you are not looking in the right place.
Radiating Energy like the Sun
I would like to talk about the world as an apple in My hand, a most beautiful rosy red apple, radiating energy like the sun, radiating My energy like the sun. I hold this apple, and I adore it. I set it in motion to twirl, and so it expanded itself, and now the round apple of the world holds you. I hold all in My hands. I hold with love. Not one speck of life on the world is without My love. The world is an apple of My love. The world is the orchard I have planted. I gaze adoringly on My orchard. I am well-pleased.
The True Story of Cinderella
I am a wonderful God of Love, yet I deserve no credit. I do as I like. What credit is due when I simply follow My heart? I serve My heart of Love. I give to Myself. I am the winner. All the joy I give, I give to Myself. If you are a mother or father, you know the joy of providing for your children. In giving to your children, you are giving to yourself. As parents, you begin to know what it is to see another as the fruit of your vine.
What a treasure of Mine are you! If only you could believe that, the whole world would turn on end. The world is turning. It spins. And you are the spinner of it.
Even encased in a Human body, you are unlimited. Your body is not the limit of you. You extend far beyond. You extend to Heaven.
This time you spend on Earth is an episode. It is a kind of delirium. It is a spin-off from reality. But how real it seems to you! You find the physical so real, so vital, so essential while it is really a will-o'-the-wisp.