relationship dynamics
The Whole Dynamics
To work is a good thing. To be occupied is better than to not be occupied. Yet sometimes My children have work that they don't like and that doesn't make them happy. I would like to say that even with work you don't like, you can be less unhappy.
When you focus on what you don't like, it makes you unhappy.
Where Emotions Come From
You feel emotions with your body. A trauma is a blow. You are laid low. You have the wind knocked out of your sails. You are red hot with anger, or your anger seethes, or you are blinded by it. You are giddy with joy and electrified with excitement. Laughter expands your ribs, and joy expands your heart. You feel thrills and chills. You feel emotions physically, and you already know which ones encourage health.
When There Is a New Look in Your Eyes
Now that I have told you not to carry over yesterday's hurt feelings or annoyances, today I want to tell you that this doesn't mean you must continue every relationship or every dealing with a business or anything. Let Us say that a salesperson in a certain store was inconsiderate or rude to you, and you are not happy to go there anymore. You don't want to harbor a sense of the rudeness and hold a grudge, yet you are also free not to return to the store. You don't want to make a big deal of anyone's inconsiderateness, yet maybe that store is not the right place for you.