Dear God, what will you tell me this morning?
I am here with you. What more can you want or need? With Me comes peace, joy, love, abundance. I am all you could ask for!
And I ask that you know Me and bask in My sun. That you know the beauty within and without you. That you absorb that knowledge of beauty and carry it with you like a melting mint in your mouth.
The occasion of this present moment is an occasion for rejoicing. Notice the word is not "joicing" but "rejoicing", which means to return to your original natural joy. Nothing added on. Simply the joy that is all ready to be revealed, reopened, recognized, remembered, seen in its major starring role in your life.
Rejoice is the joy of My creation of which you are a member. You are a member of My creation, and My creation is joy, love, beauty, and goodness.
Remember Our connection, dear one of Mine, dear all of Mine, for all of Mine is One.
Dear Mother Divine, my heart rather aches this morning for Lauren's unhappiness and her inability to tolerate me.
Mother Divine:
Dear Gloria, your heart aches for your daughter. You feel abandoned, discarded, disavowed. Lauren dumps on you; her present distress is focussed on you, but it is not of you.
Trust in Lauren's goodness and her keen vision. Give her the room to behave badly, and her good manners will return.
Lauren is a bright light on earth. Not for long can her light be dimmed nor her wings dipped.
Lauren is a high-flyer. She will kick her feet a while, but soon she will evidence her true self again and rise even higher into her true totality.
Remember how long it took you to look God full in the face. Lauren's time is now, and it took her a little over half as long as you!
So rejoice for her, and rejoice for you, her mother, and for me, Mother of All.
Dear Christ, I sense that you want to say something to me?
Yes, my sister. Bide a while with me. Hand in hand we go through life.
You have all of us, our Heavenly Father, Holy Mother, and me in the Christ of you, centered in love, in your heart, and in your life.
We are three, indefatigable. You are not a fourth, but the one of me which is the third. God is your Father, Holy Blessed Mother is your mother, and I am your brother, filled with the light of God's love as are you filled with the light of God's love.
Shine that love on yourself as well as on others. Shine our Father's light inside you and outside you.
Feel that light rising in you like the sun at morn. It rises and rises within you and never sets. It fills you with the light of God and all good, and what fills you is your content and what you are.
So, you are God's light and no other. You are not discomfort or hurt or pain or loss. You are a being filled with our Father's bright divine light. There is no place left in you for anything else. No room for despair or imagined wrongs or halfheartedness.
You are full of God. Remember this truth. And the light of God blazing within you is called by my name Christ.
So who are you? What are you?
You are God's light on earth, inseparable from God, for light does not separate or part but is whole.
You sequence God's light. You, the reflection of His light on earth, carry it for Him, and you shine it equally on all.
You could say I am the junction-box of God's light. God's light, shimmered by our Mother, circuited through me to you. It is God's light you shine and never shall it dim. Remember to shine it within you brightly and never look down again.
You carry God's light. It is a great blessing and victory for all.
You know this light of God's love, and now you carry it high, my sister in light and love, a harbinger of God's light and love, a great reflector of it.
Remember who you are and remember the trine that is with you and that you become.
Keep your eyes on the light and love of God that you are, and you cannot be disheartened. Despair is not for bearers of God's light. It is not for you.
God, Mother, and I are for you, and it is that simple. Our names are carved in your heart, and that is all that is there, filling your heart with God's love and light.
Your name is God. Your name is Holy Mother. Your name is Christ. Gloria is the name of the long-distant past. You have no name but God's Light. We share the same name, my sister, for the Christed light is God's in a human form.
All have this light, and all are uncovering it and letting it shine through.
Your veils have flown away, leaving God's holy light bared in that simple person formerly known as Gloria.
For convenience, you keep the name Gloria, but you know that it is a token name and that your true name is kept in Heaven for you and you live your true name on earth.
With the end of this notebook is the end of a chapter in your life. Your personal life is over, and your God life begins. You do not live for that individual any longer, for her happiness. You live for God's, and, in so doing, you reap great happiness because it is God's you share and fill yourself with.
Your daughter is blessing you by withholding herself from you. She sets you free from the bonds of motherhood.
She establishes herself with God and Holy Mother and with Me, and frees you to follow God's path for you.
Welcome, my dear sister. Welcome to God's Will. Welcome to your true life. Welcome to God's Courtyard, and welcome to my heart which is God's which is yours.
Gloria to God:
Dear God, Hay House sent me a generic rejection for HEAVEN, no personal comment whatsoever. Hopefully, something more substantial will come from Louise Hay herself. I'm so disappointed, and shocked, actually.
It is to take in stride. You would have liked a quick acceptance. An acceptance is assured. And, yes, you have not yet heard from the great Louise herself. That will be forthcoming. Whether from Louise or not, you will have joyous news.
And that was quite a talk Christ gave you this morning.
Yes! Mother Divine, would you like to say something?
Mother Divine:
Be not discouraged. Disappointment only means what and when you wanted to happen didn't happen yet. It will happen. Be a little patient and know that acceptance of God's writing is inevitable.
Continue to bless Hay House as all of Heaven blesses you. You'll see.