Put Energy into What You Love

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Nancy L. to God:

Dear God, I am going to have a pottery sale in November. I brought in some artist friends because I felt I did not have enough inventory to do a sale on my own. I thought that by bringing in other artists I would feel more relaxed. As a group we decided to advertise in a local art newsletter, and I have placed the ad. Then we are printing up a flyer to mail to our friends inviting them to come to the Friday evening reception and sale. All of a sudden it has become a big thing. Now it is kinda scary. Before I worried I did not have enough inventory, and now I don't want to disappoint others or myself and I still feel the pressure. I wanted this to be fun for all. Instead I find myself getting uptight about it.

I need better lighting in one room and a sprayer hooked up so I can spray my glazes. I have asked my husband to help me. He says they are not big jobs but he wants to work on his projects and he finds mine annoying. It is frustrating for me, and I am tense about not being ready. My husband feels like I am pushing him. I don't want to do that but I need those things he can do for me.

I try to turn this over to You. Sometimes I can, and I feel a relief and later I find myself getting all uptight again. Dear God, what suggestions do you have for me?

Thank You for Your love.

God to Nancy L.:

My dear Nancy L., first dwell in Our place of love. Hold My love to you and not your fears. Your fears are nothing. I am Everything. You cannot hold us both at the same time. Hold Me.

The tenseness comes because of your concern toward the world and its reception of you. You want to do well. You always want to do well, dear Nancy. You want to perform well, have it turn out right, and prove yourself the worthy of the worthy. You want the sale to be a success, and you want to come out on top emotionally.

You know that there is more going on here than the event and the outward success of it. There is an underlying current of having to do more, having to control the other end of things that cannot be controlled, only invited.

Instead of others relieving you of responsibility, you have added more unto yourself. That is your assuming of responsibility. Consider that you offer more than the others, for you do, your home, your initiative. You invited others because of your need, and that is all right, Nancy. You are giving much in return.

Let each artist be responsible for himself.

Let Me be responsible for your show.

That you put it together is your success, dear Nancy.

You are creating something.

All you can do is create.

You cannot tie yourself up in the reception of your creation.

Do the simple acts required, and let go.

Let go, let go.

You cannot have fun when you hold on.

You can only have fun when you let go.

Give yourself credit for initiating this project, Nancy.

Give yourself credit.

Never mind the world, the little world made of a few bodies that will come or not come, buy or not buy, but whom you will have blessed with your art and that of others shared.

Look to your higher purpose, and not particular results.

Put your energy into your pottery.

Worry not about results.

You have the What if syndrome.

What if all the unwanted possibilities came true?

Instead, start picturing happy faces at your show and art work being picked up by eager hands. You know very well to picture what you want instead of frenzying over what you don't.

Take the steps, Nancy, and let go.

By now you know that your husband's lack of eagerness to help you comes from his need to control. It is selfish, as control always is. He likes you at his mercy. Somehow let go of your husband's help as well. Perhaps you can put up some temporary spotlights on a hook that will do the work as well as well-installed track lighting. Perhaps there is another way to spray your glazes. What do you spray them with? Is it water? Can you use a spritz bottle? Perhaps there are simple ways you can do this or one of the other artists can help you with this.

You want your husband's overt love as well as you want the lighting and the spraying. Of course, you do. When he helps you reluctantly, you don't have the overt love anyway, dear Nancy. Perhaps it is better for you to mentally release him. I know you help him at the drop of a hat, but that is your way of expressing your love whereas your husband may be resistant to revealing his.

All of the Heavenreaders will think of your show and be rooting for you, My dear Nancy L.

Soon enough you will be emailing Us a note about all the joy you stirred by creating the show.

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Ruth to Heavenletters and God:

The October 30 and 31 messages are so powerful and seem so perfectly to fit what I need right now. Thank God for all this wonderful wisdom and inspiration. I don't express my gratitude often enough, but I so look forward to reading Heavenletters every day.

Much love as always.