Purpose of Desires and Questions
Yesterday you read Caroline's first Godwriting which she did in the Ask God Workship. Caroline's Godwriting presented here today was written about a week ago. — Gloria
Caroline to God:
God, I think I need more time in my life, for You and for doing meaningful things with my daughters and my husband.
God to Caroline:
You do, and you will have it.
I feel so bad for being impatient with them and getting upset with them. I feel like I don't do enough "real" things with them. I feel I need to love them more, although I love them very much now.
You are trying to make up needs, so you won't be at a loss for desires.
Go ahead and do what pleases you most in life, and you will automatically take care of needs and desires. Prioritize, so that your most important "needs"/desires are certain to be taken care of.
Then you will have new ones. Let them move to the top if they're most important to you. You can then be sure you are doing My will, for this is how I speak to you — through your desires. It is the Me in you speaking, asking for recognition and acceptance. That is why you are uneasy when you have not fulfilled your desires.
It is very strong, this desiring, because it is the whole reason you are here — to fulfill My desires through yourself, thus becoming closer to Me.
It is like a Master and an apprentice. The Master says to do something, and the apprentice, in doing it, becomes more in touch with the Master's needs and desires and thinking. He learns how the Master goes about his work, and structures his day with what he considers important, and why. The apprentice grows in stature by virtue of accepting the knowledge and understanding of the Master. He now owns more of the totality of knowledge of his Master, and can be more fruitful and happy in his life. He can earn more! He can love more and live more.
So listen to Me, for I am your Master, and I want more than anything to help My children be more effective, happy, enlightened and free. By doing My will, they are actually more free. For My will is for growth to a state of ultimate freedom in attunement with Me.
In that state, there are no obstacles, no resistances to their progress or to the fulfillment of their desires. They desire something, and it is. There is no suffering, for suffering is the lack of fulfillment of a desire.
So if I just do Your will, as I experience it in/through my desires, then I will automatically love my children more, and have more free time, and more order, and a chance to use creativity, etc. — some of the things high on my "desire" list?
Yes, of course.
Gloria to God:
Your wisdom is everywhere.
It seems like a long time since I've sat here and just asked You what You would like to tell us.
It has been an instant. What would you like to tell Me?
Nancy sent in a question. I wasn't sure what she was asking. Here is her email:
Nancy to Gloria:
Dear Gloria, I loved that God told Margaret to turn over things to Him. I can do that, I think.
Here is what I want to turn over to God:
Nancy to God:
Dear God, please send us a tenant. Thank you.
Dear God, please get a positive response to our loan application. Thank you! (Am I telling God what to do here?)
Dear God, please provide us with increased income so Tom can build the shop he wants and/or leave his job.
Dear God, please provide me with closer and more intimate friends.
Dear God, am I asking for the right things?
Gloria, somehow when it comes to money it is very difficult to ask. And yet I know that God wants us to be prosperous.
I can see how freeing it is to turn these concerns over to God and to release them. I think that I must do that on a daily basis or I become concerned all over again about the same issues.
These questions are not exactly gut-wrenching struggles that I am having. They are only slight concerns. Maybe they are not questions that you even want to ask. Do with them as you see fit.
God to Nancy:
I will answer Nancy's dear questions. I must tell you, dear Nancy, there is a difference between asking for these things and turning them over to Me. Turn over the responsibility to Me and let go of it.
I do not think these are slight concerns to you. I would ask why this is so important to you? Have you been without? How much money do you think you must have? How much is enough?
Are you looking for your security from money or from Me?
Are you holding on to your concepts or letting go of them?
It sounds like you have a proscribed plan.
Ask Me for My help, but do not orchestrate the evolvement.
There is a difference in asking for Me to relieve you of your fears than there is in asking Me to help make a deal go through.
I request, Nancy, that you ask yourself what it is you are really asking. And why? What is it you really want? I know it is more than a mortgage loan and your husband's building a shop. What is behind these requests? Are these your own? What is the purpose of these requests? Go deep.
Although time is not in My vision, I have to ask you: What is your hurry? What is the urgency here?
Request to know My Will. It is yours.
Request to know peace. It is yours.
Request to know love. It is yours.
Request to know My love. You have it.
Nancy, you are a master of hanging on to a concept, a master of seeing a delineated route, and putting all your eggs in one basket. Put them in Me. Know that I desire that you have abundance. I also desire that you know and appreciate the abundance you already have.
You will clarify your issues.
As to your desire for closer friendships, I wonder if the same thread runs through all of your requests.
Ask yourself, dear Nancy, what closer means to you. Ask yourself what you are really asking. What in yourself do you wish to be closer to? Is it Me?
Nothing and no one outside you gives you your strength or love. The outside can only buoy you up for a time. You know you need to control less in your life. What did I say the other day?
"Open your heart to Me, and others will open their hearts to you. That is truly what you want."
Look not for proof of your worth in the world, be it money or friends. Desire money and friends, but they are not your salvation.
"From whence cometh my help?"
What does your heart ask for?
It asks for Me.
No man comes before Me.
Look to your relationship with Me. It is your relationship with yourself.
Twenty close friends do not fill the well of loneliness that you feel within.
Bet on the right horse, and all else will be added unto you, My precious Nancy.
And know how much all the Heavenreaders needed this message today and how grateful they are to you for bringing it out.