Purity of Heart
Gloria to God:
Dear God, I have been trying to understand what purity of heart means.
Purity of the heart pays no attention to itself. Purity of the heart is stillness of pure being, and then it bubbles. Purity of the heart is awash. It floats. It holds on to nothing. It is like a spray of love, a mist of love.
Purity of heart does not know itself, and it knows nothing else either. It is not ahead or after. It doesn't follow or lead. It accepts and gives without engaging.
Purity of heart is love touching love, and who knows where it begins or ends, the love touching love as one.
Purity of heart is innocence. The young child, pure of heart, has not yet learned to lie to himself or to others — in other words, to try to structure his life according to an enforced plan.
Look at a puppy, and you see purity of heart, all aligned. No semblance. Filled with oneness of purpose and love, with no off-shoots, a puppy has purity of heart. Purity of heart is simple, unadulterated, unmixed. I have purity of heart.
Impurity of heart is anything less than truth in the heart. Anything less than truth impugns the heart and holds it prisoner.
Dear God, how do we gain purity of heart?
Listen to it. Honor it. Go with it.
The truth is that everyone is innocent. Innocent means not knowing. The most sophisticated world-wise man is innocent because, in truth, he knows nothing, and he cannot order the universe.
Purity of heart is not pretending, not even attempting to be something. It doesn't try to love or not love. It just is.
Opposite of callous, and what is callous but hardened? A pure heart is neither soft nor hard. It is what it is, and it is open. I doesn't have to open because it is open. In its openness, it never has to clang a door shut.
Decide you will have purity of heart. Choose it. And then forget about it. Purity of heart does not notice itself.
Dear God, sometimes I go into a store, for example, and I wonder what we are all doing there, milling around, like ghosts passing by each other. Sometimes it feels to me that I'm in some science-fiction movie with slow motion and all.
You are witnessing and trying to make something of it.
My children are spirits in bodies who pass each other by. You are ships sailing on an ocean. You slide and skate on earth whilst your heart is somewhere else with Me.
No wonder you wonder what you are doing there in a store on earth because, in truth, you are with Me on Holy Ground.
How did you get here? Here on earth and here in the store or here on the bed?
In little moments of waking up, you wonder how you got where you are.
When one is unconscious and wakes up, he asks, "Where am I?"
And where are you? You are here in My heart with Me, and we were never separated. You only found a body and went to earth to explore with your Beingness the human life on earth. You report back to Me, and the human semblance of you goes out again and again and comes back to Me.
What is everyone doing in the store, milling around, shopping, picking up items, putting them back or sorting them? What are they doing? They are shopping for Me.
When someone runs a marathon race, what is he doing, running, huffing and puffing on the course? He got started there somehow, and he is running his course.
You are in a store or wherever because you somehow chose to be there. You are on earth because you chose it.
You are My child because I chose you, and I let you go out and play on that playground called Earth. Play, and come Home. Play, and come Home.
All is symbolic of coming Home to Me. A home run. Peek-a-boo. Tag. Hide-go-seek. Relievio.
What are you looking for in the store? You are looking for Me.
And I am found everywhere, so I am found anywhere. Look. Here I am, and here you are, and how We play in Our love. How We play in Our love.