Prison Project

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Nancy L. to Heavenletters:

Dear Gloria,

The Heavenletters Prisons project has been launched! I will be the co-ordinator.

I called the local prison chaplain. I explained what I wanted to do. He asked that I send him a few samples of Heavenletters, and I told him that I would do that. I am ready to mail him two Heavenletters. I am mailing him July 27th and July 29th Heavenletters. I will call him back in a few days to ask if he received them.

He said he will share them with the prisoners and ask who wants to receive them. I don't think it is necessary to go through the Chaplains although it is good for chaplains to be exposed to Heaven Ministry. He asked me what faith we were. Maybe he wanted to give the letters to someone of the same faith. Of course that is not necessary.

I think if you call the prisons in your area, all we need to do is say we want to write to a prisoner. I think that pen pals in prison is a common thing. Maybe we can ask who would like to get inspirational letters. Maybe we can ask God to direct us to the right person to receive Heavenletters.

I told the Chaplain that I would like to send Heaven to someone who would be willing to read the letters to the inmates on his block. I told him I wanted them to be shared. I will see what he says after he receives the samples that I am sending him. I don't think this needs to be complicated, but the postage will be expensive. I would like input from other Heavenreaders on this.

Now, as the co-ordinator for this project, here is what I would like. It will cost $2.31 a week to send one letter daily to one prisoner. I suggest that we send them daily except on Monday when we would combine Sunday's and Monday's in one envelope. Also, once a week we could send a self-addressed stamped envelope so they could write down their questions for God.

I will commit one year's mailings to one prisoner. That will cost $120.12 per year.

If I can buy a copier I will print out each day's letter, make copies, and send them to the names in prisons here in the US. Do you think we can get enough in donations to cover a copier and postage?

Would other Heavenreaders be willing to contact their local prisons to get addresses for inmates?

I asked the Chaplin to send me one man's name and one woman's name. I will let you know what happens but I don't think it is necessary to go through the Chaplain.

Heavenreaders, I would certainly like to hear your thoughts.


Gloria to Nancy L.:

Dear Prison Coordinator!

Oh, Nancy, you are dynamite. What a Godsend you are. You are just right, Nancy, taking the bull by the horns. I think you are a genius. Boy, am I grateful. And I imagine God is singing. And I am so excited!

Nancy, I have thought only of emailing to prisoners. I know the work involved in just printing out, let alone mailing. It's arduous. And expensive, as you have pointed out. I hope we can get email addresses as well.

I think what you are doing is called a grass roots approach, and I like it.

God bless you for what you have already done.

Nancy, of course, why am I trying to do this all myself? I am worn out before I start. You have opened up a most wonderful thing.

Boy, Nancy, do I love your guts!

You have renewed me. You are an answer to a prayer. Thank you thank you thank you, Nancy.

Gloria to Heavenreaders:

Your responses to Nancy L. will be forwarded to her right away. Unless you indicated otherwise, they will also be printed in Heavenletters.

Gloria to God:

The Chaplain asked Nancy what faith we are. We are not of a faith, dear God.


Nor am I.


If that question is asked, do we say non-denominational?


Why not? Or say Heaven is not restricted to any one faith, but to all faiths or no faith. Simply for God's children on earth.

There is no difference in My children of one faith or another except in their decision to be sorted. Remember as well, there is no difference in My children in prisons than My children not in prison except how they are seen and separated. I do not separate My children. I do not know prisons or prisoners. I only know My children. And I hear their calls to Me, and I answer.

God to Nancy L.:

Dear Nancy, you know that when I speak, I speak to you.

Perhaps you are opening the persimmon of Heavenletters to the world.

Be the Heaven Prison Coordinator. You already are it.

Set the example.

Be the flag-bearer. Lead the line. Be in front. Be a purveyor of peace to the world.

You are like the bugle that calls others to the fore.

Nancy, a bugle of God.

I shall polish you and make you shine.