Postcards from God

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, interest in HEAVEN seems to be growing. So many people saying such fine things. One new subscriber thought it would cost $20 a month! Of course, what price can really be put on Your words?


That is not the question, for there is no cost. My words are worth whatever they are worth to the Heavenreader. Those who grab it have been waiting for it. It is like a great signal flare has gone up for them, and their long-awaiting hearts are carried to the intimacy of My heart.

Jesus Christ Superstar, the movie, was your signal flare!

There is an ordained meeting — often called a chance encounter — for everyone. This meeting turns the course of their life where it always wanted to go. This is no "grand" change, more like a tiny stream trickling, a new bounce in the heart, spring in the step, or an echo of each soul's own faintly-remembered thought, or like holding hands for a silent grace, or smoking a peace pipe, or a smoke signal that calls all from near and far, like a drum-song that calls you, like a reveille, like the sun peeking over the morning horizon, like a drop of rain that makes you look up, like a long-forgotten song remembered, like room made in your heart, like a place made for you to sit, like a postcard in the mail that reminds you of your fondness for the sender, for I am the Sender.

Postcards from God. Picture postcards. Same message to all. Different pictures for each.


This new subscriber also wondered if Your words would ever run out!


Eternity means always more. There is always a new roll of the wave.

There could come a time when words are not needed, a time that all meet with Me and each other in silence, and look into each other's eyes without speaking, or love charges through the universe at such a pace that you forget words.

Words carry love, but Truth is the United Bank of Love. Truth doesn't have to have words. Words are like poker chips that stand in for something beyond their form and color.

So long as words are needed, there will be Mine. And for now, My words are needed, are they not?

Words are your love shaped. Words are songs sung from the heart through the mind. Words are sounds. Even written words are sounds. Words are frequencies. Thoughts are. You are. Your frequency comes from Mine.


Dear God, someone suggested that I ask you what blocks I have. I think they meant blocks to perfect health, energy, life! What is a block anyway, and what is mine?


A block is a boundary. A block in your physiology can represent a block in your life. Your mind and your body are storehouses, attics of consciousness, basements of consciousness.

How cluttered are they? What old thing doesn't need to be there?

I suggest that you look not for blocks but rather to make passages smooth.

Clog is clog. Wherever a clog is found, it is a signal of something else. Unclog the something else.

Smooth passage is the key. Unclog your house, dear Gloria, and you will be freed. Disarray encumbers you. Too many collectibles. Start over. Release appurtenances, and pathways will unclog. Don't keep. Let go. Don't hold on. Let go. Free your objects. They are of the past, and now you are of the present.

All blocks are past or future. They are empty boxes filled with old stuff no longer needed yet hoarded for a rainy day, in case, in case you want to pull out old hurts and go over them, or cogitate future ones.

A heavy chest has been put to block the door. A heavy chest. A heavy heart.

Remove the old battered things stored. Give away rather than keep.

You and I truly exist as One. All that remain are knots, debris, windblown thistles. Remains.

Hoarding comes from fear. Neglect your fears.

It is so easy to give. See how you do not hoard My words. You share them. You don't lose them in the sharing. You gain them back a thousand times over.

What does an object collecting dust on a shelf mean to you? How many wax and porcelain and plastic angels do you need in your house when I am collected in your heart and fully established there, and true angels alight on you like butterflies?

How many lumps of clay do you need?

From now on, collect bare space. That is what you hoard from now on. Smooth surfaces. Cleared space.

Clear your tables for real angels to sit on.

Your block is an imagined need. What do you need when you have everything? More proof?

Love needs no proof.


Dear God, I was talking to Bev last night. She wants greater spiritual experiences, and thought she should change her diet.


In changing her diet, she will give herself permission to receive what is already her constant experience of Me. Bev thinks if she changes her diet, she will then merit Me. If she is good, she will meet Me.

She merited Me before she was born, and she merits Me still. Only she delays herself, waiting for the signal gun to go off when it was sounded long ago.

It is easy for Me to honor Bev. Why is it so hard for My children to honor themselves?

Perhaps they would rather not find Me just yet. They say they would, but may prefer not to, may prefer to have Me waiting around the corner rather than to have Me.

But have Me, they do. I am never around the corner. I am right here.

What do they fear will happen if they announce Me? Will I ask something of them? Will I give new responsibilities? Will I make them clean their house and throw out old things, old ideas, old miscellany?

Yes, I will. I will bombard you with joy. I will lift you off your feet. I will change your life forever. I will bring you to your senses. I will sentence you to joy and fulfillment.

I will take you out of the brambles. Come with Me.