
Greater Than Perfection

God said:

Each day brings treasures to you, and yet you tend to focus on the discomforts, as if they are what is important. They matter inexorably for a day or two, and then your attention flits to another inconvenience. You exert energy and time on a temporary matter that tomorrow will be forgotten as if it never were. And yet you give your heart and soul to it, a tiny blemish on the day of your life. That which is only an incident and therefore incidental, you make crucial. You are a dramatist. You are a dramatist of the first order.

Perfect Life

God said:

If you find yourself at a plateau, rest for a while. Be glad you have reached where you are and can stay a moment. You have been in a great hurry to rise, and now you can take a respite, sit down, smoke your pipe and enjoy where you are.

You have had many lessons in life, for life does teach you. No need to reflect on the lessons you have learned. Once learned, you don't need them. Certainly, once you have learned something, you don't need to study it.

Welcome a plateau like a park bench. The same way, don't mind when you have to get up from it.

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