our Father in Heaven
One Father
Is there really anyone different from you? What are all these differences you believe in and perhaps extol? Why do you feel a need to stand taller than another? Do you really believe that a mere measurement of the world makes you more or someone else less?
You do not need to make perceived differences holy. If you stand on the opposite side of a fence, tear the fence down and then there will be no side to be more or less. The fences are in your mind. You built them yourself. Perhaps someone handed you the mortar, but you took it and made it yours.
The Threshold
My Beloveds, you stand at a gate and you hesitate to enter. What holds you back? It is old thoughts. What are fears but old thoughts coming back to roost? What you think is wisdom is often folly. Is it not folly to stand at My door and not come in? You have been invited. You have been urged. You have been sought. You have been beckoned. There is only one direction to go in, but you stand and wait before you take another step.
Fear freezes you.
Let My love unfreeze you.