other dimensions
The Starlight of Your Heart
You live on many levels, beloveds. You already know there is more than the Earthly dimension. You already know that you experience more than one Earthly dimension. If Earth life has many dimensions, what on Earth do you think the Divine has? It has Infinite dimensions. Infinity in Oneness. The dimensions to your spiritual life are infinite. They are uncountable. Anyway, who would bother counting when they can taste?
"My Father's House"
"My Father's house has many mansions" means there are dimensions you do not remember visiting. I use the word "dimension", but that does not say accurately what I mean to say. There is no word for what I want to say.
It is like — only like — you have a house with a third floor you are not aware of or have forgotten (not aware of and forgotten are the same) — and then suddenly you open a forgotten door (you have an insight) and there are the stairs, and there are the other rooms, treasures there all the time, but hidden from your view. They can only be hidden temporarily.