On Earth as It Is in Heaven

God said:

Your heart reaches Me. Your heart contains Me. You are the container of Me on Earth. I wrote a prescription of healing to the world. You are the prescription I wrote. I sent you to heal aching hearts. There is no dearth of aching hearts. Wherever you find yourself, you are surrounded by them.

Aching hearts are like flowers kept too much in the shade and not watered enough. You have to bring them out into the sunshine, and you have to bring them holy water. It is incumbent upon you to bring love to those who are parched for it. It is for you to flourish love and to swing it like a lasso and bring in all hearts. You bring them in to themselves, so they may know their own intent and the extent of their reach. Of course, their reach is infinite.

All hearts are flowers, are they not? Perhaps budding, perhaps wilted, but flowers nevertheless. What kind of a flower is your heart? I will tell you.

Your heart is a bright red amaryllis. It is so big and bountiful. And beautiful too. The Human heart just keeps getting bigger and bigger until it bursts and all hearts burst into the Oneness they already are. Your heart is separate from no one’s. Your heart is the meeting-place of all hearts.

If you had not bodies, you would know the commitment of your heart. You would know its entwinement, not as an unwieldy vine, but as a clematis that climbs right up into Heaven. Like a clematis, the vine of you doesn’t have to do anything but look up at the sun. The rest is automatic.

Perhaps you thought you were Jack and the Beanstalk, and at the top of the beanstalk stood a mean giant. But, of course, Jack had to disregard the perceived giant and rise beyond. The giant was a thought, a concept that had grown too big. The giant was a perceived obstacle, and Jack merely had to surmount the giant in his mind and rise to the Reality beyond.

And is this not what you are doing? You are already a beautiful amaryllis who sees itself as a beanstalk and is trying to rise above.

Beloveds, you are all the flowers. You are the trees as well, and the grasses. You are the soil under your feet. You are the sky, and the stars seen and unseen. You are the wistful Moon, and you are the radiant Sun. You are the rivers and the seas and the banks upon which they sit. Heart and soul, you are everything on Earth and in Heaven.

Earth came from Heaven. Earth is a descendant of Heaven. Now it rises back to its Source. The distance you imagine between Earth and Heaven is less. You are closing the gap. You are pulling Earth up.

With each heart you warm, you place a flag in Heaven. With each heart you warm, you rise to Heaven. You rise in your awareness. You place your heart and soul firmly in Heaven where they have always been. You find your locker here. You are the only one who has the code to it. The code is in your heart. You open it, and you see that it is filled with love.

Everything is in your heart. All knowledge is in your heart. Open your heart, and all the knowledge stored there will spill out, and all will be known, and you will know it, and you will return the knowledge of love given to you to Earth until there will be no difference between Heaven and Earth. It will be on Earth as in Heaven.


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