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HEAVEN #1855 The Mind Forgets December 3, 2005

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HEAVEN #1855 The Mind Forgets December 3, 2005

God said:

What does it feel like when you feel close to Me?

If sometimes you feel far away from Me, then there must be some times when you feel closer. Like now, how We, you and I, can converse, and how We can be silent.

How do you feel when you feel My light on you? How do you feel when you are aware that you walk in My light? How do you feel when you feel My love? How do you feel when you feel your love for Me?

We have a special love, you and I. I am your Father, and I have your welfare at heart. It is My nature to heap joy on you and watch you smile.
Will you smile for Me today?

I love you whether you smile or cry because, of course, I see beyond the laughter and beyond the tears. How close are your tears and your laughter. Sometimes they are indistinguishable. But, of course, it is your light that is merged in Mine that catches My attention. Our golden light wipes your tears. The warmth of Our hearts dries them. Love washes them altogether.

It is the body that cries, beloveds. Your mind has told the body that there is cause for tears. Your mind was unable to tell you otherwise, your poor deluded mind. Your mind thinks there are occasional occasions for joy, but that joy is only to be sometimes but not always. Your mind just can't get it through its head that love is always, and that love cannot be separated from joy.

The mind that believes in either/or believes in joy but only in limited amounts because it has tricked itself into believing that whatever may exist, its opposite does too. The mind is convinced of this, and it has convinced you, this inhabitant of a body on Earth. The mind forgets that it is to obey you, that it is to succor you rather than lead you down false trails. Logic can only take you so far. It cannot take you far enough. It has not taken you to green pastures.

The mind is very good for some things, but not for others. The heart, which has been downplayed, far exceeds the mind. The heart encompasses while the mind picks apart. The mind does not know how to accept Unity whereas Unity is what the heart knows. And yet the mind is listened to more than the heart, and it is the heart that speaks Truth. The happy heart speaks Truth, the heart yet unconvinced by the convincing mind.

I talk to your heart, you understand that. Next to your heart, your mind is a trifle. And yet I try to soothe your mind. It needs much soothing.
It has been going off in so many directions at once, trying to find out disparate facts. And when the mind matches things up, it puts away the commonality like a pair of socks in a drawer, interesting, fine, but now of no further interest. The mind seems to be more interested in that which does not seem to match.

Yet this is changing, beloveds. Your mind is going to start to follow your heart. The mind is going to become more interested in Unity. It will become like a minister who performs weddings. It will be less like Sherlock Holmes with a microscope. The mind will become more like an impartial camera. It will take more pictures that show love, and that will not be a surprise. Love stars, and the mind will know it and will bow accordingly.

Copyright@ 12-3-05

HeavenlettersT -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Overseer The GodwritingT International Society of Heaven Ministries
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