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[HeavenLetters Board HeavenlettersT Comments] New E-Book Ava

The foreword is by Mark Kincaid, an astrologer/writer. Mark lives in the same town I do. Here’s what he wrote:
Foreword to E-Book 15
If you’ve ever wondered what it might be like to have a communiqué from God, or if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to receive God’s personal counsel, then take a look at Heavenletters!  
Heavenletters™ are the heart child of Gloria Wendroff, a sweet, unpretentious lady, really not someone you'd ever think would be a conduit for God's thoughts.
Imagine opening your computer each morning, and there at the top of the page, before all the daily scam and spam letters, is a welcoming love letter from God. How many times have I rushed to that precious e-mail to see what is in God’s mind, today!  Oh, could it really be true? Could it really be that I can finally hear what is in God’s heart?
This is the great promise of Heavenletters.  To hear clearly, in the most wonderful and simple prose, the thoughts, and feelings of the Divine paternal and maternal Lord.
Imagine if you could sit in on a private conversation of God's.  What a great treasure that would be.  To know how the Lord of the Universe thinks! How He really feels about this universe.  Why He created it, what our place is in it!  Even, what we’re doing right!  Welcoming us back home, eager to have us back home, God sends to us, his prodigal sons and daughters, an e-mail each day to let us know we can come back anytime.
When I first started reading Heavenletters, I couldn’t get enough.  I consumed them one after another. I even asked Gloria if there were any extra letters that I could receive.  Of all the books about life, of all the spiritual treatises, ideas, or philosophies I've read, these innocent thoughts and warm recitations of God Him/Herself have been one of the most powerful experiences of my entire life!
Then, I discovered that I, too, could have this experience that Gloria calls Godwriting.  “It is easy!” she’s fond of saying.  So, with her coaching, I was amazed!  She’s right! There’s nothing to compare to being able to feel that soft, divine touch as you sit quietly and allow yourself to put yourself in God’s shoes.
What would God say to you?  At first you might feel silly.  Maybe even how impossible this might be.  But you move from your own thoughts quickly to His.  No matter what your thoughts, worries, or anxieties, God’s response changes your perception.
Could it be this simple?  In a world filled with such apparent lack of Godliness, could it really be this easy? Well, I have to say now, after several years of reading Heavenletters and doing my own Godwriting, a resounding YES! 
I’m so happy for you that you’re reading these words and are about to plunge into the delightful plenty of God’s prose. Every moment, so full and optimistic.  Each moment the words wash over you, cleansing and soothing at the same time.
I know you’re in for a treat.  Come now, read a few lines.  Find the experience for yourself!  You’ll never be the same!  And, yes, make a note to learn your own Godwriting soon!  
Mark Kincaid
Astrologer, Writer

From: Kirt [mailto:TheHeavenLetters [at] heavenletters [dot] org]
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 11:13 PM
To: TheHeavenLetters [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Subject: [HeavenLetters Board Heavenletters™ Comments] New E-Book Available

Hello everyone!

HeavenLetters' newest E-book, If You Could Sit on the Crescent Moon, is now available for download!

Blessings to you,

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