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HEAVEN #2047 Great Spiritual Experiences June 13, 2006

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HEAVEN #2047 Great Spiritual Experiences June 13, 2006

God said:

Take a leaf from My book. Are you not learning to emulate Me? Are you not finding My footprints and stepping in them? Are you not My apprentice, and am I not teaching you how to live in the world? Is not life a great course that you are taking? You have enrolled, and you are learning.
You are learning how to live in the world at the same time as you live in My heart.

You have much to attend to in the world, and only one thing spiritual, and that is to come closer to Me. All you need to come closer to Me is your recognition of how close you are.

Certainly, you will see signals along the way, glimpses that stir your heart, egg you on, have you take a look. Always remember that the main thing in your spiritual life is coming to Me. Dramatic spiritual experiences are the not the main thing. They are not steps either. They are signals. But signals are not necessary. Your life with Me does not depend upon signals.
Your awareness of life with Me depends upon your awareness. That is the only thing that can change. When marvelous experiences come your way, note them, step over them, and keep going. Marvelous experiences are not meant to be stumbling blocks. You are not to stay with them, light candles to them. You are to let them go, and come to Me.

You are not searching for experiences. You are seeking greater awareness of Me. That's all. That is the same as to say seeking Truth. You are walking on a path to Me. Along the way you may sight signposts. The way to Me is straight, and you don't really need street signs and street scenes along the way. They become diversions. Just as when you walk along the bazaar, there are many tempting booths to stop at. Don't linger long. Best to get on your way.

As nice as angels are, if you see them, say hello, thank you, and keep walking toward Me. You are walking all the way Home.

Let Us say you are walking through a meadow. You have a destination in mind. We can call it Destiny. Certainly, along the way, you will pick flowers, and you will enjoy. You may meet butterflies along the way and deer, and you will enjoy them. Why not? Yet they were not the purpose of your walk. There is somewhere you are going, and that is, beloveds, to Me.

We have an appointment. You would not keep Me waiting while you engage with powerful spiritual experiences, would you?

How wonderful that you experience another realm from time to time, find yourself transported, find yourself with amazing experiences, something to write home about. These spiritual experiences have an affect on you, and yet you have to get up from them, or they will delay your arrival. They are already past, and you know not to live in the past. You know to keep going.

Great spiritual experiences are like great books you read. They thrill you, and yet you turn the pages. When the book is finished, it is finished. You relish thoughts of it, yet you do not rest your laurels there.
You do not linger. Your life is not about lingering.

There are high times in life. Perhaps you were a hero, yet you cannot spend your life reliving those high times. You cannot re-focus on when you had enormous spiritual experiences any more than a soldier can keep talking about when he was a hero during the war. The heroism served its purpose. Now it can only be talk. It was a beautiful time, but no one can stay there, beloveds. So it is with experiences. Leave them where they are. You and I have a tryst.

Copyright@ June 13, 2006

HeavenlettersT -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Overseer The GodwritingT International Society of Heaven
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