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HEAVEN #2026 A Beautiful Lily Bulb May 23, 2006

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HEAVEN #2026 A Beautiful Lily Bulb May 23, 2006

God said:

You are making great progress. Acknowledge that rather than mistakes you have made. Mistakes, as well as success, are wheels that move you forward. Honor your so-called mistakes, beloved. They contributed to where you are now. Every single one of them.

I am telling you that you are in a good place now in your career as a Human Being on Earth. If you are in a deep dark dudgeon, terrible as it may seem, you are in a good place. You are like a beautiful lily bulb that is planted in the soil, and from that soil you grow, and from that soil you blossom into flowerhood. And if you are on a mountain peak in full sunshine, also from there you grow and blossom, for the truth is that wherever you happen to be, you are growing Heavenward.

Have you somehow had the idea that you are supposed to be born full-blown on Earth, full-blown in your eyes and the eyes of the world, that is? Have you thought that you were somehow to be astute in the world on every occasion, to always have confidence, to always know exactly the right answer to give, words to say, path to take? Did you really think you were supposed to know everything and have nothing to learn?

You are learning yourself, beloveds, for you are the curriculum.
Take no detours onto self-recrimination. Do not debate with yourself. The course of action you took was the right one, even when the outcome wasn't as you wanted, even if you would do differently now. Outcomes are outside your purveyance. Outcomes aren't to be regretted. Outcomes are stepping-stones placed at your feet. Or slippers that soften your way.

You are free to take any path. Be grateful for the freedom to take a step that you might call a mis-step. Be grateful even for calamity, for calamity can be the making of you. Calamity is a word for occurrences that shake you dramatically. Be glad to be shaken then and handle what you see as earth-shaking events.

All guilt, self-recrimination comes from holding the past up in the light. Hold yourself up instead. Uphold yourself. Look, you made mistakes perfectly. Now drop off your mistakes. You are not to hold council fires around them. Light new fires, beloveds. Go off on another expedition.

In life, you are on a fishing trip. You throw your line in the water, and you catch what you catch. Your life does not depend on it. Every fish will not bite. Nor are you to rue one way or the other. Be happy you didn't catch the big one. Be happy you were privileged to spend time by the lake. You sat there on a rock in the shade and the sun. Look at it that way.
Even if you caught no fish, even if an alligator bit you, you partook of life. You did just right, beloveds.

You are part of a Holy Alliance. Your presence was requested, and you appeared. Congratulate yourself.

You have asked the question Why long enough. The question Why puts you at a stalemate with life. The question How has more value for you. At the same time, life does not have to be questioned. Life is one of those great fish you can't quite catch. You may have it in your hand, and then it slips away.

Wherever you find yourself today, you are ahead of the game. You are progressing along in life. What more are you insisting on? What do you have to have? Enjoy the amble today. You are walking on a path that will inevitably lead to Me. You don't have to have shortcuts. Or, if you must, come with Me now, beloveds. Come with Me.

Copyright@ May 23, 2006

HeavenlettersT -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Overseer The GodwritingT International Society of Heaven
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