mystery of life
That Which Never Sleeps
You may like to sit around a lot, yet your body likes to move. That's what your body was made for. You have a physical body while you are on the physical plane. What do you have it for if not to move?
Even a newborn baby moves its arms and legs.
Of course, your body rests too. Exercise. Rest. Exercise. Rest. There is a rhythm, sort of like the way an inchworm moves. Pull, stop. Pull, stop. Toward, stop. Toward, stop. Pull, catch up, pull some more, stop some more.
The World Turns, and You Revolve
Admit. You hardly have a clue to what life is about. It is truly a mystery to you.
Every now and then you feel you have a grasp of it, and then the rug is pulled out from under you, and you are bewildered.
You seek to know the meaning of life, and yet the meaning slips and slides away from you. Just when you think you have it, it flies away.
You are the meaning, beloveds. It is yourself that you seek. It is yourself that is elusive. You catch glimpses and cannot quite see enough. You dance before yourself, and you dodge yourself.