The Onset of Miracles
Be done with boundaries. What do you need them for? They keep you bound. Be a free man, not indentured to old thoughts.
Whenever you hear yourself thinking, "I can't do that, nobody can do that, it's impossible," think again.
Whenever you hear yourself saying, "I'm not good at that" or "That's not who I am," change your words.
What Miracles Would You Like?
I have a series of happy events ready to hand out to you. These what I will call events are just at the brim and will fall to you shortly. There is nothing you have to do to get ready but to get your hearts and eyes open. I am talking to everyone when I say this. I am not stockpiling all the treasures that are going to befall you. They are just about complete and ready to come off the production line. Spread your aprons wide so that you catch these delightful gifts from Heaven as they pour down upon you.
You Are Miracle
You are miracle. You do not always know what a beautiful being you are. Is it not a miracle that apples grow from a mere tree? That from a mere seed a tomato comes? Is it not all miracle, My beloveds. You are no less than an apple core or a tomato seed. Such greatness resides in you.
No matter how lowly-appearing, how insignificant-appearing, you and everyone else are seeds of magnificence. You are My seed.
You are overwhelmingly powerful. A glance from you can shrink or nurture. You can shrink a flower or you can help it blossom. You can make a child happy or unhappy. Have you not?
Faith, Miracles, and Christ
When you release your attachment to ideas, you release yourself to Me. You come closer. Do you see? Attachment is resistance. As you resist less, you let go, and so you relax, and where is relaxation but with Me?
Your holding, gripping, and clutching on to the events and locations and people of the world means you have let go of Me. I do not tell you to abandon the world. I tell you to let go of your hold on it, or its hold on you. Do not tug the world or the people in it. Leave them to their own orbit. Release your hold because, unless you do, you are bound to that which you hold.