Little Happinesses

God said:

When sadness arises, don’t make a big deal of it. It comes and it goes. Let it go. And if you can enjoy the sweetness of sadness, enjoy that then as well. And when happiness takes its place, enjoy that too.

Sadness does not have to be sad. It does not have to be objectionable. Sadness exists as a friend who nudges you to look at something. Sadness nudges you, and then you look up.

In the midst of joy, there is sadness. The flowers bloom now, but tomorrow they won’t, and your heart sighs. But it is the same with sadness. Tears flow today, but tomorrow they won’t. There is joy even within sadness.

Once you loved, and even if that particular love no longer exists, once you were immersed in it. Because something passes, must it be named sadness to think of it?

Sadness is not a crime, beloveds. It is just a note played on the piano that you don’t like the sound of. So now you play another note.

What makes you happy? Lean towards it. If the singing of birds makes you happy, surround yourself with singing birds, or go into the woods where you will be sure to hear them. Whatever gives you even minimal joy, have at it.

If you like to look out your window, look out your window.

If you like to lie on the grass, lie on the grass.

If you like to spend time with your children, spend time with your children.

If you like to read, read.

If you like to be near the water, be near the water.

If you like to cook, cook.

Give yourself permission to enjoy what you enjoy. Small things may give you great joy, beloveds. Be generous with yourself. Accumulate joy even if in bits and pieces.

Do something every day that you love to do. Let doing something you love be part of your responsibilities, beloveds. Add it to your To Do list. Don’t miss even one day.


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