light of love
Where All Your Light Is Revealed
Do you see how a tall tree grows? It is not copying another tree. It is not trying to be a tall tree. It is only being itself, layer by layer. It is like, as the tree grows, it exhales in total relaxation. There is no effort. The tree is not trying to attain, achieve, perform or anything at all except to just be the tree he is.
You see where I am going here. My children go through all sorts of somersaults trying to attain to something. Trees just attain their full growth without exertion. They are not running a race with other trees or even with themselves.
The Light of Your Love
The truth is that all of your concerns are for naught. All the things that you get into a tizzy about are nothing at all. Certainly, they seem momentous, even gigantic to you, but in the light of love, they evanesce. In the light of love, all is light. Love leaves no room for shadow. The love light in your heart is not dependent upon any object you place as responsible for it. Love issues from your heart, and it remains there. No matter what the direction of your love, no matter what it focuses on, love is love and exists irrespective of the objects it emanates to.