let go of control
Let Go
You do not want to make yourself responsible for other people. Everyone acknowledges that, but acceding to it is another story. You mind other people's business a lot. You are forever overseeing what others do. Praise is no better than objection. Praise and criticism both are your appraisal. Your life is not about appraisal, dear ones.
Crossing a River
When you let go of the so-called past, present, or future, you have let go of a lodged idea. When you let go, you feel tremendous ease. When you let go, you have surrendered. You haven't given up anything but a preconceived idea. That's what surrender is. You surrender your demands, and you accept peace.
What Is the Good of It?
When you get irritated you are irritated because you do not have all the control you would like. You want silence, and there is noise. You want to be undisturbed, and you are disturbed. You want to reach somewhere fast, and traffic has another idea. You want to take a nap, and the phone doesn't stop ringing. You feel foiled by the vicissitudes of life. Somewhere you got the idea that everything has to be in accord with your wishes. And you feel like a raging despot when they don't.