joy of giving
When You Stand on a Mountaintop
You have perhaps been in the pattern of being selfish. It doesn't matter. Today you can be unselfish. It isn't really unselfish that you have to be, for the opposite of selfish isn't really unselfish. The opposite of selfish is generous.
Be generous. Come from a place of strength where it is easy for you to be generous.
Deep in Your Heart
Deep in your heart is a well of love. It is your job to pull up the love and serve it to everyone. It is easy once you get the hang of it. Get the hang of it now.
You will create a fire brigade of love. The fire brigade you are part of will put out all fires. You will fill every home with the love from your heart. In unison with those you love, you will become an army of love. Can you feel the waves of your love now overtaking the land? How wonderful is this! Love surges through you and out into the world. This is what you are made for.
What Do You Talk About?
When you feel ache in your heart, did someone else put it there? Do you really think that's possible? Outside events and people influence you, certainly, but must they to the extent they do? Must your life rise and fall according to what someone says to you or what comes in the mail? Must every event in life put a stamp on you, as if you were no more than a package at the post office?
The Advent of Joy
Today, instead of thinking of duty, think of fun. When you think of responsibility, you do not usually think of fun, but today accept that fun and joy are your responsibility. They may not be handed to you, but you can rescue fun and joy. No matter where you are, you can pull out fun and joy. Wherever you are, the responsibility for joy is yours.
To Whom Do You Give?
When you feel the need for inspiration, this is a good time for you to inspire someone else. Your need is a signal to give that which you wish to receive. Fill another's lack. That is so simple and so wise and so often not considered. Whatever you feel you are lacking today, give some of it to someone else. Make them happy.