interconnectedness of life
A Great Place to Be
It is true that the weather affects you. Everything affects you. And you affect everything too. Nothing happens in isolation. No one weeps alone, and no one laughs alone. You can be affected on the surface level and be aware or unaware, and yet you are affected just the same. On the silent levels, it is a certainty that you are affected by every nuance of the world.
The Petals Within
Life has layers. Nothing is flat. When you look out your window, you see the sun through the leaves. You see another tree beyond. And then a street and a sidewalk and a house. Beyond what you can see is another house and other trees and leaves. The sky may be as far as you can see, yet beyond the sky is more that you yet do not see.
Everything has a repercussion. Everything touches another and another. Everything has its own spinning vibration. Everything is many-layered. Rocks and sky.
You can always look higher and deeper. You can always look beyond. And you can always look within.
Dance of the Universe
There is not one thing in your life that is not interconnected with another. Nothing is disconnected. You simply do not see the interwoven threads. You see events and people as separate strings when not even one string is separate. You simply do not see the weaving of the threads of life. You see the tips of the threads. Every once in a while you may see a few threads looped together.
There is not a sight you see, a thought you have, a deed you do that is not pulled tight. There is no loose weaving. There are no loose ends.