Excuses, Excuses, Excuses
Your looking for explanations is the same as looking for excuses. Explanations are excuses. There is error in thinking you require explanations as much as there is error that you require excuses. I understand how much you want to understand. You care deeply to know why this and why that. You cannot at present untie and examine all the connecting threads. From the level of your consciousness, there is no explanation, beloveds. There is no reason.
Naked Truth
When you talk to Me, really talk to Me, your ego walks away. That is one of the beauties of talking to Me. You are not able to load yourself up with pretense when you appear before Me.
Your subterfuges leave, and there is you, and there is I, and We restate your life. We restate your take on life.
Naked were you born, and naked will you leave. Naked here does not mean unclothed. It means true, honest, real, unpretentious. You, without all the ruffles you have put around yourself, you, in your being.
Heart and Soul
The pain in your heart is your heart's knowing that it has cheated itself. Pain in your heart is your heart's knowing that you are meant for more than you have allowed. Even your ego knows that you are far more than you have pretended to be.
A disguise is not comfortable, or not comfortable for long.
If you were your plain self, you would be lighthearted.
You think you have to be a certain way, and you think others do too, and so a cycle revolves.