inner knowing
With Love and Consideration for All
Listen well to the silence within you. Within the silence are all the answers you are seeking. You understand, I am speaking of the silent Known yet Unknown within you. It cannot be seen. It cannot be heard except as your heart hears it. It speaks volumes to you, beloveds, this silence in which all is contained.
Who Is the Healer?
When all the answers to all the questions in the Universe are within you, how necessary is it to seek knowledge from outside you? When you have more than enough money in your pocket, you don't run out to the bank to get change. When you have plenty of butter in your refrigerator, you don't run out to the store to buy more. You don't go out to find that with which you are already fully stocked.
In terms of knowledge, your mind does not remember what I bequeathed to you. Your body has not forgotten. Your body and heart know more than your mind can contemplate let alone fathom.
The Master Key to the Universe
Your heart is the key to the entire Universe. We can even say that your heart is the Universe. Certainly, you contain the whole Universe. Your mind, as beautiful as it is, cannot contain All That Is, and yet your human heart can. Your human heart does.
There Is Knowing
Heaven is a certain place for Being. Much is accomplished, yet there is no effort. There is not even really thinking in Heaven. There is Knowing. In Heaven, there is no action as such. There is no distance between Knowingness and its fruit. There is what We could call an impulse, and the impulse manifests. In Heaven, there is instant fulfillment of impulses of desire. In Heaven, before an impulse has finished, its result has already been created. There is no frustration in Heaven. What frustration could there be when fulfillment of desires is instant? It is not a question of believing.
The Love of God's Life
Let Us talk about My love for a moment. It has been such a mystery to you, what love is, that you may be it, and you are perplexed how I, God, can love so much and love so much that which, in your eyes, has imperfection. You wonder how I can love you so much, simply as you are, a fussing being on Earth.
Sometimes you disdain yourself. That is not your own thought. It certainly is not your original thought.
The Heart Is the Entranceway
There is such a fine line between something's making sense to you and its feeling right to you. Actually, they are the same, only sometimes you let someone else's sense of things sway you. When something strikes you as true, it makes sense to you and it feels right. Truth always makes sense in the heart. It is the world that does not make sense.