The Most Beautiful Wholeness You Can Imagine
I am your good right arm. I am your Assistant. I assist you. You assist Me. We reciprocate right and left. We are so One that it is hard to know where you begin and I leave off.
Of course, I never leave off. I AM always. And here's the wonderful thing: You are too.
The Knower within You
Remember often what you are here on Earth for. You must know by now that you are not here for your body. You are not here for possessions. You are not here for wrangling. You are not here to compete. You are not here to win arguments. You are not here to get A's in tests any more than you are here to flunk tests. You are not here to be on best behavior or worst behavior.
You are simply here for your joy and for the joy of others, which is another way of saying that you are here for Me. I am at the top of your list. In fact, there is no list. I am the Whole Story.
The Portals of Immortality
Is not the imprint of your foot in sand beautiful? Is not each grain of sand itself a miracle of its own?
What about the palm print of a child in color on his painting?
Is not an arm a lovely thing?
Is there a face in the world that does not hold preciousness? And when you love the soul of the person whose face you see, is not that face then the most beautiful face that exists in the world?
And when you rise to love, just to love and nothing else, just to be love untrammeled, then what face in the Universe will not look as beautiful as the face of the one you most love now?
Our Immortal Love
You roam in life. It is like you flick the remote control. You glance at this, and you glance at that. At some point, you make a choice, at least for a while.
Roaming isn’t quite the same as wandering. In roaming, you may not know what you are going to alight on, nor when, yet your roaming is purposeful. You are looking for something. In wandering, you are more aimless, less purposeful, more vague, less clear. You both roam and wander, beloveds. It is all right. You will find your way, or your way will find you.