hurt feelings

Your Divine Right

God said:

Just when you think you've surmounted the littlenesses in life, you find yourself irate over something. You thought you were past all that, and here you go again, deeply annoyed at someone else's thoughtlessness and their way of dealing with life. Yet why must you, a bystander, be so affected?

Your God-Given Love

God said:

If you never had hurt feelings, you would love unconditionally. It is thoughts about yourself that prevent you from loving with your whole heart. You believe that someone loves you one minute and not the next, and so conditions are born, and you respond accordingly. You believe that love can be withdrawn, and so you withdraw. You believe that love does not really belong to you, neither as a receiver or giver.

Let Your Heart Spring Back Quickly

God said:

No longer do your feelings get hurt, for now you know that the heart of God beats within you. When hurt feelings assail you, before the next heartbeat, hurt feelings will be gone. Do not accumulate hurt feelings. Within your heart beats Mine. Between one heartbeat and the next, your heart (My heart) springs back and knows not hurt.

Can you imagine that I can possibly carry hurt feelings? Can you imagine that I am sensitive to any affront? Do you imagine that the thought of a tiny mosquito bite of an offense could penetrate and disturb My day?

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