how to enjoy life
See What Happens
Sit on the grass a while today. Do you remember what that was like? Lie on the grass, chew a blade, and look up at the sky. Does not the sky cover you with love? Sometimes you have to lie down on your back and look up at the sky horizontally in order to see it better. When did you last take the time to enjoy what is most enjoyable to you?
Roll in the grass. Roll down a hill. Pick berries. Do somersaults. Enjoy life. You can make no better contribution to it than to love it. Life does not like to be complained about. It likes to be enjoyed. It is for frolicking.
Will You Give a Little or a Lot?
There are pleasures in life, so take pleasure in them. Let life be as a meal you eat. Smack your lips and enjoy every bite. Why not? Why not take pleasure in life?
You are very good, but you are not above living life with pleasure.
Today, when anyone asks you to do something, say, "With pleasure."
When you ask yourself to do something, say to yourself, "With pleasure! It will be my pleasure. Happy to do it."
What Would You Like to Fill Your Heart With?
Don't worry about being rash, and don't worry about being plodding. You will come to the perfect balance. Sometimes you rush in, and sometimes you wait too long. You will catch up to life without rushing and without plodding. Life isn't something you have to catch up with. You just have to step in, the same way you step into a dance, or the way you jump rope, or the way you so welcomingly enter a pond on a hot summer day. It doesn't matter so much how you enter. It just matters that you enter.
What Do You Say to Life?
Do cartwheels in life. Live your life with aplomb. Live it with zeal. Live it as you would eat a wonderful meal set before you. Take a heaping plate. Take big bites. Fill your cup, drink it, smack your lips, and pour yourself another.
You have held back from life long enough in a desire to be safe. What is it you would protect yourself from? From Life? From you?