HeavenCantWait .. we can have it now.
Monthy Message:
Here is Heaven Newsletter: July 2009 Vol. 18
A Message from Spirit:
July’s message is one of hope. Hope truly does spring eternal. Because it is with hope that you imagine. Imagine only good things and that is what comes to you. Like the GE commercial, we bring good things to light. We, the God Energy, our GE, brings good/God things to LIFE. Hope for the best in July and you will find it in no time. Yes, I say no time because there is no time where we hope and imagine. You could say time stands still. But really, there is nothing to stand still. It does not exist. Time does not exist in Heaven where we reside. You and Me. We bring good things to life when you, you, you think them first. So, think good thoughts and we will romp in our creations. Hop-y, rather than happy, July.