Heaven News - Only Love, 17 July 2009
Opening God Quote:
“Only love has happened, and yet love didn’t happen exactly, for there never was a millisecond before love burst forth...”
New Subscribers since last Heaven News

14 International Countries
Australia Canada Chile France India Ireland Malaysia Mexico Romania Singapore South Africa Spain Turkey United Kingdom
[This listing of countries represents only the countries that new Heavensubscribers have recently come from!]
26 United States
California Connecticut Florida Georgia Indiana Kansas Louisiana Maryland Michigan Mississippi Missouri Massachusetts Montana Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Tennessee Texas Washington
[Heavensubscribers already come from every state in the U.S.!]
Welcome to the Kingdom of Lesotho! Welcome, Tstsicksk!
Lesotho (pronounced lə-SOE-toe), officially the Kingdom of Lesotho, is a landlocked country and enclave — entirely surrounded by the Republic of South Africa. It is the southernmost landlocked country in the world. It is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The name Lesotho translates roughly into "the land of the people who speak Sesotho" Lesotho's economy is based on diamonds exported all over the world and water sold to South Africa, manufacturing, agriculture, livestock, and to some extent the earnings of laborers employed in South Africa. Lesotho also exports wool, mohair, clothing, and footwear. One of Levi's jeans manufacturing facilities is located here.
Thank you, Tstsicksk, for finding Heavenletters™ and bringing Lesotho to us.
You Are Invited! European Godwriting™ Workshop in September, 2009
Join Gloria and Santhan! Deepen and expand your personal connection to God. It’s easy to Godwrite. Anyone can do it. There are no prerequisites to learning except to be a human being and to come to the workshop! Say Yes! Say Yes now!
Workshops are presented Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1-5. Note: It’s one workshop in two parts.
Brugge, Belgium hosted by Leen, Heart of the Rainbow (http://www.heartoftherainbow.be ) September 12 and 13
Istanbul, Turkey hosted by Lale and Jale, Sifa Cemberi (http://www.sifacemberi.com) September 19 and 20
Turin, Italy hosted by Magda, Lightworkers Italia (www.lightworkers.it) September 26 & 27
Please press the Add Comment link at the end of this Heaven News and tell us which workshop works best for you.
Welcome to New Hebrew Translator, Edna Lande!
Beloved Edna, first you posted on the Godwriting blog:
“I share Heaven’s site with 3 friends here in Israel. They asked me to translate Heavenletters for them. So I did, and I feel this is divine. God helps me. It is amazing. This is my Miracle. I am not sure if this is ok with you. I translated and mail them.”
It is very okay with us, Edna. We are thrilled!
You stated further: “It is honor to translate God words. It feels really really really pure awesome love from God, and I am so grateful for this opportunity. I would not like to miss it now. I really reimagined my life, isn’t it so?” Edna, I love your choice of words. Reimagined your life! That is exactly what happened to me! And then you say: “Is there someone to translate Heavenletters into Arabic please?” Edna, by your words, I see you are more than translating. You are loving everyone everywhere and aspiring to bring peace to the world. God bless you and all the Heaven translators. You are magnificent angels who come from everywhere.
Heaven News Now Available in Italian and French Editions!
Mauro from Italy asked if we could also offer Heaven News in Italian. Thanks to Mauro, and thanks to Emilia who translated Heaven News into Italian, all the people subscribed to Heavenletters in Italian now receive the Italian edition of Heaven News. Notizie di Cielo 25 Giugno 2009 Rappresentare l'Unità
Furthermore, thanks to Mauro’s suggestion and Christine, Heaven’s French translator, we now also have a French edition! Nouvelles d'Heaven, Le 25 Juin 2009 Savourons l'Unité
We are looking forward to more translators who will be able to translate Heaven News into Dutch, Turkish, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, and German as well. Actually, we yearn for translators from all languages. The priority is to translate Heavenletters themselves, for it is God’s words in Heavenletters that connect us to God. Next is to translate Heaven News, for it is Heaven News that connects us more to each other and what’s going on in and around Heavenletters.
Everyone here is a volunteer, and you are invited to help. Whatever you like to do, I bet we are looking just for you.
Apply within!
P.S. Many thanks to Elizabeth Cusova from Moldova for translating The Story of the Farmer and the Hat into Russian! История о фермере и шляпе http://www.heavenletters.org/hat.html
Gloria and Santhan on Internet Radio Monday, August 3
Barbara Dixon hosts Spirit Speaks www.blogtalkradio.com/spirit-speaks.
The show starts at 10 a.m. EST Monday morning, August 3. It will last 90 minutes, and you are invited to call in. We want to hear your questions and comments. All the details will be in next Heaven News.
Barbara is a long-time subscriber and friend to Heavenletters. She is a life coach and the author of 7 Principles for Purposeful Living www.mindfulresolutions.net
Angels Spreading Heavenletters - how far it goes, nobody knows!
Heaven Admin has us on Twitter. Muchas gracias, Senor. Heavenreaders, if you would like to, you can copy the Twitter graphic and paste it on your emails! Tweet us @heavenletters.
Thank you, Aimee as well for getting Heaven up on Twitter!
And many thanks to all the Heavenreaders who share Heaven on Facebook!
Look what I stumbled on! I was surprised and delighted to discover the following by Pamela Silberman on Amazon! http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/AGAU01ERNHBI1
Listen to Your Love, September 3, 2008
Through the teachings of Heavenletters we hear exactly the Truth of Who We Are, expressed perfectly through the loving guidance of our gentle Father. I can listen to this CD over and over, remembering each time that I am loved and eternally cared for no matter what the world brings my way. Thank you, Gloria! Thank you, God.
Pamela is the author of Simply Being: One Year with Spirit
What Heavenreaders say on the forum:
From Paul in London: “Hiya, are there no more Heaven Letters?”
Paul, it is dear when someone asks where their Heavenletters are. We want you to receive your Heavenletters. We are unhappy when you don’t, only we have no way of knowing unless you tell us. Don’t delay. Please let us know right away. Incidentally, almost always, it’s your internet provider blocking your Heavenletters. We’ll do everything to find out why you are not receiving Heavenletters.
From Pat in Hawaii:
To me this is the ABSOLUTE BEST HEAVEN LETTER thus far....How BEAUTIFUL AND BEAUTIFULLY SAID. Thank you so much!!! Love, Pat - in reference to HEAVEN #3141 When Love Burst Forth, July 1, 2009
From Geri Hearne, Illinois:
Just want to thank you for allowing us to meet with God every day. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” www.joymediaonline.com
From Mauro Todisco, Italy:
Tutto cio che leggo in queste righe di Dio e molto bello e cerco sempre di applicarle alla mia vita quotidiana grazie non smettere mai di inviarmi queste belle parole che parlano di Dio. Un caro saluto Mauro
Translation: “All that I read in these lines of God are such beautiful ones, and I always try to apply them to my daily life thanks. Never stop to send these beautiful words that speak about God. Mauro
Come to the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum and Godwriting Blog!
You have to see for yourself the amazing consciousness of the people who post on the forum. I am simply in awe.
Now here are some blog entries you might enjoy, and don’t miss the comments! They are the best! And please leave a comment yourself!
No, Senora, No - Fun! http://www.godwriting.org/godwriting/no-senora-no-decisions.htm
Every Morning - Lovely! http://www.godwriting.org/godwriting/every-morning-helen-schucman.htm
One more good-bye - Nostaligic! http://www.godwriting.org/godwriting/one-more-goodbye-train-station.htm
Dear Heavenreaders,
Here are some beautiful photos of Argentina that Heaven Admin took in Rosario. Argentina is the destination of the Oneness Journey. I will be living in Capilla del Monte where Heaven Admin (Santhan) will be building a spiritual center.
Thank you for reading Heavenletters and Heaven News!
God bless us all.
With love,
Gloria on behalf of the Spectacular Heaven Team
Ending Quote
"You can turn the tide of your heart. Your heart does not have to flip-flop according to the weather of the world."
Paypal allows you to
Paypal allows you to contribute any amount to Heaven using your Paypal account or a debit/credit card. Gracias!
Exciting !!!
I just wanted to say that it's GREAT to see more people from israel attracted to Heavenletters and in the case of Edna even inspired to translate it to hebrew. It's really a great news for me :O)
It's also so lovely to see all these beautiful angels from different countries.....God had a very good taste in creating this LOVELY variety and such a beautiful people :O)
I also learned about Lesotho, Which sound very intriguing place. Never heard of it before, And even when you're sorrounding are by mountain and rocks, You can find DIAMONDS !!! Isn't that awesome !!! There's a gift for us EVERYWHERE !!!
Love and peace to ya'll :O)
Very beautiful, beloved
Very beautiful, beloved Hagi. Thank you for posting and sharing your heart and mind on this forum.