Heaven News November 25, 2008
Posted November 24th, 2008 by Heaven Admin
Suggested by Jochen Lehner
Opening God Quote
"Unless the table is made for Me, it is just wood and nails."
Heaven #256 The Practicality of God
Suggested by Jochen Lehner
Related Topics
New subscribers from all over the world and U.S
24 International Countries
U.K. Australia Netherlands Austria Portugal Romania Canada Mauritius France Russian Federation Switzerland Mexico Bahamas India Spain Germany South Africa
Singapore Trinidad and Tobago Columbia China Brazil
Saudi Arabia Egypt
30 United States
Texas New Hampshire Wisconsin California Arizona Pennsylvania Alabama Georgia Michigan Colorado Montana Washington South Carolina Ohio Oregon New York Illinois Virginia Florida Arizona Mississippi West Virginia New Jersey Kentucky Missouri New Mexico Minnesota North Carolina Hawaii Iowa
Gloria on 2 Radio Shows -- Al Diaz’ and Bernie Siegel’s
Al Diaz and Gloria share their insights on “Ask God Questions and Get Answers”
Monday December 1, 2008 6 P.M. Pacific Standard time
Call this number +1 (347) 826-7680 to listen in and to ask questions, OR
Listen in to the show here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Ilumine-Ao You can also send in your questions through the computer. To communicate via computer, register at the same URL: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Ilumine-Ao
Please do call in. I would love to hear your questions and comments – and your voice!
Bernie’s Internet Radio Show -- 2 Longtime Friends Have a Heart to Heart Talk
Tuesday, December 2, 12 Noon Eastern Standard Time
http://www.healthylife.net/ Internet All Positive Radio
Click the “LISTEN LIVE” Button located on the upper left hand side of home page. If you don’t have Windows Media Player, press the button on the upper right to get it. Be there!
Call in with this toll-free number 800 555 5453 Please call in. It makes me happy.
For more about Bernie and Gloria, see recent blog entry Beloved Bernie
I had a Help Wanted Ad ready for this issue of Heaven News. This was the ad:
French translator needed. 4 new people subscribed to French Heavenletters™ in one week, and we don’t have new translations to send them. Can you help?
But the next minute I turned around, there was Anne Duquesne of Des Nouvelle de Notre Belle Planete http://www.anneduquesne.com/ offering to translate.
Furthermore, Anne had already been translating Heavenletters and posting on her web site above!
We are so happy you are here, Anne.
More good translator news!
Theophil Balz and Stefan Gracher (and Veronika Walsch in the early days) have already translated over 1000 Heavenletters into German. Heaven Admin has started a German website: http://de.heavenletters.org/german-heavenletters.html
There is also a Spanish web site http://es.heavenletters.org and Italian and Turkish and Catalan and Dutch and Portuguese... to come. It is our desire that every language have its own website as soon as we can do it.
All Translators, please send us your photos! We’d like to get every translator’s photo up.
New Angels Spread Heavenletters - how far it goes, nobody knows!
People come from everywhere to help spotlight Heavenletters™ in the world.
Carol Adler, Publisher/Writer, posts Heavenletter #2883 Story of a Child of God
From the name of her publishing company, you can see why she chose this Heavenletter. http://www.dandelion-books.com/publishing-books-online.html

A subscriber wrote in to say that she discovered Heavenletters from the above site and that a gentleman named Paul Davis posts them every day!
Thank you, Paul.

Paul has been subscribing since 2006. I wrote to Paul to thank him and invited him to the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum.
You are invited too! And also to the Godwriting blog. www.godwriting.org
Come play in the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Form and the Godwriting Blog!
Heaven Admin’s Radio Show - Business and Spirituality
In case you missed Santhan’s show, you can listen here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Ilumine-Ao
Scroll down, and you’ll see Santhan’s name and the Play button. You really don’t want to miss Santhan’s interview.
This show was so incredible, that the host, Al Diaz, interrupted himself and asked Santhan if he gives workshops, and, then, right after that, Al asked Santhan if he would be on his show again right away. Santhan said yes. Al later wrote us that he has had many great, powerful, insightful shows, but never one like Santhan’s. Al wrote:
I have never heard a speaker with the vision and closeness to God that Santhan emanates. It seems to me that every word from Santhan comes out of his soul. His voice and enunciation are amazing. What he has to say will surprise and delight you. I paid special attention to how Santhan handles questions and situations. Fabulous.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Paypal notified us recently
What happened was that both subscribers had changed to other credit cards, and that same day notification came from Paypal that were tithing again from a new credit card, only this time, they were tithing more than they had before!
You know, beloved Heavenreaders, as welcome as a donation is, it’s more about the love for Heavenletters that the donation represents.
Here’s where to find the story of By the Hat. http://www.heavenletters.org/hat.html
Donations help to spread the light of Heaven.
On behalf of the Spectacular Heaven Team
What good fortune comes up for you?
Ending God Quote: