Heaven News May 31, 2008
Posted May 31st, 2008 by Heaven Admin
Opening God Quote
“Let's get that blossoming into your DNA.”
HEAVEN #2732 Roses, Roses, Roses
Related Topics
Angel and Chee Got Married
Angel is the beautiful angel bride, and Chee is the happy handsome groom and co-editor of Cosmic Lighthouse Metaphysics Magazine www.cosmiclighthouse.com who, along with Lee, chooses a Heavenletter to publish every issue. All blessings to one of God’s divine couples.
New subscribers from all over the world and U.S
From 32 Countries around the world:
Australia Belgium Brazil Canada Chile Columbia Croatia Dominican Republic Finland France Germany Guinea Hong Kong India Ireland Italy Malaysia Mexico Morocco The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Peru Philippines Portugal Scotland South Africa Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom
From 37 States in U.S.
Arizona Arkansas California Connecticut Florida Georgia Hawaii Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New York New Mexico North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin
Two Great Opportunities to Expand the Reach of Heavenletters
Dr. Kelly Wallace and Bernie Siegel on Internet Radio
Call in and ask your questions and give your comments!
Sunday, June 29 6 – 8 P.M. Pacific Time
Dr. Kelly Wallace interviews Gloria on her radio show, Your Bridge between Mind and Spirit on www.WPRTradio.com
Kelly is a new subscriber to Heavenletters and just loves the energy.
Kelly wrote:
Here are the call-in numbers:
Note: This coming Sunday, June 6, Al Diaz, a great friend of Heavenletters, will be on Kelly’s show.
It was Al who introduced Heavenletters to Kelly. Al is a success motivator and beautiful soul. http://www.thetitusconcept.com/ stream.
Bernie Siegel on www.healthylife.net
Bernie Siegel
Bernie's approach is one of compassion, caring and love coupled with a wonderful sense of humor. He is one of the world's foremost physicians, as well as, a multi-book best-selling author, motivational speaker and advocate for individuals facing the challenges of all chronic illnesses.
Not only that, but beloved Bernie is also a long-time friend of Heavenletters, truly a friend, and he sure makes me laugh. Bernie wrote the foreword to Heaven’s book and to the Heaven CD.
The name of Bernie’s show is Mind Health Matters. It appears on www.healthylife.net It’s on the first Tuesday of every month 9am PST, 12pm EST
Bernie’s radio show featuring Heavenletters will be aired Tuesday, December 2 this year. That seems like a long way’s off, but it will be here before we know it. Anyway, Bernie is worth waiting for. Write it down in your calendar!
Of course, you’ll be reminded of this show many times before then. You can tune in Tuesday, June 3, and listen to Bernie interview his special guest. When Bernie interviews you, the show can only be special.
Happy Day! And now a Japanese Translator!
The above is how Heavenletters, Love Letters from God, Book One, might look like on the cover of its Japanese translation!
Naoko-san wrote:
God bless all Heaven’s angel translators
Engin Vural, Turkey, who translates Heavenletters every day:
Engin has translated the Heaven book into Turkish and has been avidly pursuing the publication of Heaven’s book in Turkey. Blessings, Engin.
Heavenletters’ Outreach!
Theophil, one of the three great translators who translate Heavenletters into German, has also been translating for the Humanity’s Team’s web site that publishes a daily newsletter of excerpts from Neale Donald Walsch’s work.
Gerry Harrington, Humanity’s Team Communications’ Director, delights us by substituting quotes from Heavenletters every now and then. We always know when Gerry has so generously done this because there is a huge peak in subscribers every time. Here is an example of Gerry’s post:
A Signal
Thank you Gerry!
http://humanitysteam.org/ http://www.newspirituality.org/
Russ MIchael
There is no end to all the good that Russ Michael does for Heavenletters. It was Russ Michael who found the European publishers for Heavenletters™ Love Letters from God, Book One. Michael not only publishes a Heavenletter every day in his Michael Worldwide Newsletter (Age-Reversal[at]aon [dot]at) , Michael features quotes from Heavenletters across the top of his newsletter. Not only that, he highlights key points – thus adding a new dimension to Heavenletters – one that helps me to look at Heavenletters in a new light.
Michael, despite all his knowledge, books he has written and so forth, takes Heavenletters seriously. For instance, since HEAVEN #2697 Once in a Lifetime Day, came out, Michael continues to publicly name his days magnificently. Michael declared May 1 God on Earth Day. Michael said:
“Repetition--thus EMPHASIS -- aids a learning process, as all Master Mentors know. Thus even though I posted this TIP here before--I consider it appropriate, and well worth repeating--here again, on this auspicious day--as well. For anyone interested in enlightenment and ASCENSION, HEAVENLETTERS are a tip worth repeating!!”
You can see more of Michael’s inimitable remarks here:
Spanish Website
Visit the Spanish web site: http://es.heavenletters.org
To subscribe in Spanish http://www.heavenletters.org/maillist/index.php
Thanks to all the many translators who translate Heavenletters into Spanish from the goodness of their hearts: Cecilia, Anita, Elisabeth, Gloria Helena, Margarita, Lourdes… If I omitted anyone, please post here to let us know who you are. Muchas gracias.
Many loving thanks also to Guadalupe from Columbia who shares Heavenletters in both English and Spanish with her many friends and encourages them to subscribe.
See YouTube Presentations in 4 Languages
See YouTube Presentations in 4 Languages
Thank you, dear Dr. Laura de Giorgio www.deeptrancenow.com for creating these presentations for Heavenletters.
Come to the fabulous Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum
And the Godwriting Blog www.godwriting.org
Remember the Cosmic Heavenletter Generator
Remember the Cosmic Heavenletter™ Generator!
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Support where you receive your spiritual truths.
God wants you to remember how loved you are.
With love and blessings,
Gloria and the Spectacular Heaven Team
“You have had an effect.
All I Can Say Is WOW!!!
Hi my name is Camerine . I have been reading these Heaven Letters for awhile now . i am disabled but i can move around pretty good , but last summer i was hit on my motorized wheel chair trying to cross the street where i live and there are no sidewalks and the cross walks dont work very well and i live in a business district. I crossed and almost got accross when a man in a pick-up truck came flying out of a store parking lot he had the windows up and a cell phone connected to his ear. I tried to yell to get his attention but he couldnt hear me! But i know that from this experience that since i had trouble with strength and feeling in my body from the broken neck i had when i was 2 , that God changed about 3 or 4 of my senses taste, hearing , sight ,and opening energies in my body that i can useualy feel strongly now that God helps me to use them to help heal others , especialy since i understand pain and discomfort since i have lived with it most of my life. i understand it when i see it in some one else. but what else im trying to say is that since i have been reading the Heaven Letters its as if 90% of the letters have fit to whats going on in my life !!!