Heaven News - Love is Bursting Out All Over, 14 May 2009
Posted May 13th, 2009 by Heaven Admin
"Remember that you are here to be an instrument of My love. Consider yourself a flute of My love upon which music is played. Be My flute that makes music. I will recline and listen to the music you make that is Mine. All glory to the flute that plays My music for the love of all."
HEAVEN #3034 Play the Flute of God's Love
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New subscribers from all over the world and U.S
18 International Countries since last Heaven News was compiled only. There are many many more countries that Heavensubscribers come from!
Argentina Australia Belgium Canada Germany Lebanon Lithuania Mexico Malaysia Netherlands News Zealand Norway Philippines Portugal Scotland South Africa United Kingdom Zimbabwe
27 United States
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[Note. Heavenreaders come from every state in the U.S.]
Welcome New Translator from Sao Paulo, Brazil
Welcome, Luciano. It is always a thrill when a new translator comes. We are so happy to have you joining Ana and Vera in translating Heavenletters into Portuguese. You may be sure we’re looking forward to knowing more about you on the Global Translator Circle.
All Heaventranslators are volunteers. You are definitely angels with wings. We honor each and every one of you. See the following note from a subscriber.
Divine Timing European Godwriting Workshop Tour
At first I was so disappointed that the European workshops were postponed until September, but my disappointment lasted ONLY UNTIL I received this email:
Now I, Gloria, couldn’t be happier that the European trip will be in September!
If you live anywhere in Europe and would like to help sponsor a workshop in your country, please let us know!
Angels Spreading Heavenletters - how far it goes, nobody knows!
Music from Heaven. Guido and Andrea of Trieste are creating Heavenletter Music on organ and flute and giving it to us. Guido is on the left, and Andrea on the right:
This is indeed music from Heaven. Wait until you hear it!
You may download the mp3 audio files here:
Heaven Admin wrote: “This music is transcendental. It just gets higher and higher and left me soaring.” Gloria wrote: “This music from your souls is the most beautiful music I have ever heard.”
Thanks to Al Diaz, Author of Being the Titus Concept, for including a Heavenletter in his newsletter. Al does not usually include other people's work in his newsletters. He chose HEAVEN #3034 Play the Flute of God's Love http://www.heavenletters.org/play-the-flute-of-gods-love.html This is the same Al Diaz who has interviewed Heaven Admin and Gloria on his radio show!
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Ilumine-Ao www.thetitusconcept.com
Thank you, Berit and Fydor. Berit Delaini of Italy faithfully posts Heavenletters on Fyodor’s site, Spiritual Events, every single day. http://www.spiritualevents.net/articles/list?category=Latest The generosity of heart from Heavenreaders is incredible and so appreciated.
Dean Shrock sent me his new book, Why Love Heals!
I’ve got to tell you, it’s hard to put down. The book stands on its own, but it’s also wonderful that Dean includes a Heavenletter in his book and says nice things about Heavenletters! Thanks, Dean.
Highlights of Carol Adler’s Heaven Book Review on Amazon
Heavenletters™, Love Letters from God, Book I
by Gloria Wendroff (Introduction by Dr. Bernie Siegel)
1st World Library (2004)
Carol Adler, CEO/President of Dandelion Books, LLC and Dandelion Enterprises, Inc., is a professional ghostwriter, publisher and writing coach. McGraw-Hill published her book on holistic medicine (1991) endorsed by Deepak Chopra, M.D.; she has ghostwritten over 40 books and has published 3 novels and 4 books of poetry!
www.dandelion-books.com www.write-to-publish-for-profit.com
See the entire review and all the other book reviews here: http://www.heavenletters.org/heavenletters-love-letters-from-god-and-aud... . Here's the link on Amazon for Heavenletters, Love Letters from God, Book I.
Dear Heavenreaders,
Next to God, Heavenreaders are the mainstay of Heavenletters. Your very presence does so much for us. From your reading Heavenletters, your very consciousness rises. Just from your reading of Heavenletters, you also touch the consciousness of those around you. We are talking about the subtle levels, and there just is no knowing how many people each of us affect. It’s like you are stars that blink on all over the world.
We also sure thank you for sharing yourself on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum and on the Godwriting Blog.
Naturally, many like to share with us what gives them joy and so many send forwards to us. There are so many delightful uplifting forwards, and yet we humbly ask you to refrain from sending forwards to us. We receive a lot of them. There are so many we can’t read them. Furthermore, all the forwards slow down my computer and sometimes my computer crashes from the overload! With apologies, please no forwards! Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you so much for reading Heavenletters.
With love and blessings,
On behalf of the Spectacular Heaven Team
Invest in Heaven!
Here's where to find the story of By the Hat. http://www.heavenletters.org/hat.html
Your investment helps to spread the light of Heaven! Can you think of a better investment?
Paypal allows you to contribute any amount to Heaven using your Paypal account or a debit/credit card. Gracias!
Ending Quote
thank you for your loving presence
Robert Adamson