Heaven News June 25, 2009 Sampling the Oneness
Opening God Quote:
"God said the answers
Are all between you and Me
And love answers all"Karen’s Haiku based on Heavenletter: If You go to Maine
New Subscribers since last Heaven News
18 International Countries

Australia Belgium Canada Columbia France Germany India Italy Netherlands Antilles Norway Pakistan Philippines Romania Singapore South Africa Sweden Turkey United Kingdom
[This listing of countries represents only the countries that new Heavensubscribers have recently come from!]
27 United States
Alaska Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Iowa Illinois Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Montana New Mexico New York North Carolina Rhode Island South Carolina Texas Virginia Utah Washington
[Heavensubscribers come from every state in the U.S.!]
Welcome to Netherlands Antilles! Welcome, Lillian!

The Netherlands Antilles (Dutch: Nederlandse Antillen), previously known as the Netherlands West Indies or Dutch Antilles/West Indies, is part of the Lesser Antilles and consists of two groups of islands in the Caribbean Sea: Curaçao and Bonaire, just off the Venezuelan coast, and Sint Eustatius, Saba and Sint Maarten, located southeast of the Virgin Islands. The islands form an autonomous part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The islands' economy depends mostly upon tourism, international financial services, international commerce and shipping and petroleum.
Actually, Lillian is not the first subscriber from the Netherlands Antilles! Lillian just subscribed. I looked up Netherlands Antilles on our data base and discovered that Jacqueline had subscribed in June of 2007, two years ago. We’re so glad to have you two.
We’re looking forward to having many more new subscribers from these beautiful islands!
European Godwriting™ Workshops in September
12 & 13 - Brugge, Belgium hosted by Leen who runs Heart of the Rainbow (http://www.heartoftherainbow.be )
19 & 20 - Istanbul, Turkey hosted by Lale and Jale from Sifa Cemberi (http://www.sifacemberi.com)
26 & 27 - Turin, Italy hosted by Magda who runs Lightworkers Italia (www.lightworkers.it)
The European Godwriting workshop series welcome you! We more than welcome you. We'd really love to see you there. Sections of the workshop will be recorded on video camera and we will be taking photos in preparation for the online workshop. To have Heavenreaders attend any of the workshops will be supreme. Please help us spread the word of the workshops by posting on your blogs, facebook and myspace pages.
All the weekend spots for the workshop have been booked except the weekend of September 5 & 6. Workshops can also take place on weekdays. Are you interested in hosting a workshop? Do you have a network that would find Godwriting appealing? We're happy to answer your questions. Please post your comments and questions by clicking the Add Comment link at the end.
What Heavenreaders say:
“…many days I just need something, anything to uplift me. I always find that in Heavenletters ™ . And, for that, I thank you from the heart of my soul."
Matt Dunlop , Florida, Intuitive Massage Therapist
“Dear Heavenletter friends; I am inept to express my gratitude for your work here. Can we bear to waste a second beyond our Father’s embrace? Dear friends, your light is removed from under the bushel. You've touched me so deeply when I needed it most. I hope in some miniscule way I'll be able to forward your effort. Thank you so much more for presenting an opportunity for the lost to be found and "wayward" to return to God’s bosom. God Bless you, friend.”
David Alan Williams, Florida
Angels Spreading Heavenletters - how far it goes, nobody knows!
“Gloria, lovely Heavenletter! Can i please use these words in my songs??? please!”
Danny Sky Chhoeng, California
HEAVEN #3122 Dream New Dreams
Yes, Danny, by all means. We would be delighted.
Tri Gunanto, Indonesia
I have added a suggestion to read "Heavenletters, Love Letters from God" on Oprah's Book Club. http://www.oprah.com/article/oprahsbookclub/readinglists/pkgsummerreadin... Hope this will help spreading God's love.
“Is it okay to include a link to one of the Heavenletters in my monthly newsletter?”
Diana Caughell, New York www.nulifetraining4u.com
Of course, it’s okay! It’s more than okay! We think it’s great! Thank you!
“Is HeavenLetters on Facebook? I enjoy spreading the word about HeavenLetters, and thought it would be wonderful to share it with the Facebook world. From Facebook, I promote and share information from Michael Beckwith and others and thought to add your wondrous work as well. Love and light always.” Deborah Gaida Ostrowski
Outstanding! Many thanks!
[Add yourself as a fan of Heavenletters on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Heavenletters/23102563150 ]
Chuck Gebhardt, M.D., not only had a thrilling idea for a new Heaven book, he is putting it together as we speak! He is doing this to further Heaven’s reach and asks for nothing for himself. Beautiful in every way, dear Chuck. Thank you so much.
Jim Keller is printing out business cards with short juicy quotations from Heavenletters that he hands out and places around Sedona, Arizona. The idea is that these cards create an inner curiosity and appetite for more.
Jim, all the good you do!
Dear Heavenreaders,
How can we not believe in miracles, for it seems that we are in the middle of many miracles right now. For instance, what can it be but a miracle that we are together here in Heavenletters™, sampling the Oneness that God tells us about?
I am in awe every day at the love and wisdom that Heavenreaders express on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum http://www.heavenletters.org/heaven-community.html and the Godwriting blog www.godwriting.org You make it clear without doubt that each of us is a blessing to this Earth we live on and all the people who share it with us.
Through our shared love of this infinite God Who makes all things possible, we are united and so we are completing a miracle that God put into motion. Caught on a wave of God’s love, we are here together in our humanness and in our Divinity, and we go far.
God bless us all.
With love,
Gloria on behalf of the Spectacular Heaven Team
Ending Quote
"What if you knew there is a Great Light that lights you? And that when two Human beings meet, they are like two sticks rubbed together by an Unseen Hand, and they ignite, and ignite again and again, two flames that become one? What if each person you meet is like a Post-it note to remind you of your light so you will remember it is on? The light in you can only be on. It only seems dimmed by one thing or another.”
Heavenletter #481 You Are a Star-Echoer
Submitted by Jeff Maziarek, www.pondercentral.com
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Paypal allows you to contribute any amount to Heaven using your Paypal account or a debit/credit card. Gracias!