Heaven News June 13, 2009 Dreams Come True
Opening God Quote:
“Silence your tongue more than you wag it!”
Heavenletter #3117 Blessings
New Subscribers since last Heaven News

27 International Countries
Argentina Australia Brazil Canada Chile China Czech Republic France Germany India Israel Italy Japan Kenya Latvia Madagascar Mexico Namibia Netherlands Norway Philippines Romania South Africa Spain Switzerland Turkey Venezuela
[This listing of countries represents only the countries that new Heavensubscribers have recently come from!]
25 United States
Arizona California Colorado Florida Georgia Illinois Kansas Louisiana Massachusetts Michigan Mississippi Missouri Montana New Mexico Nevada New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Tennessee Texas Utah Washington
[Heavensubscribers come from every state in the U.S.!]
Welcome to you, Madacasgar...

...a beautiful country new to Heavenletters Welcome, Andy. Thank you for being Heaven’s first subscriber from Madagascar! We are very happy that you are here. We look forward to many more subscribers from your beautiful land. We thank Dr. Laura de Giorgio www.deeptrancenow.com for inviting you to Heavenletters™.
Madagascar, or Republic of Madagascar (older name Malagasy Republic, French: République malgache), is an island nation in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa. The main island, also called Madagascar, is the fourth-largest island in the world, and is home to 5% of the world’s plant and animal species, of which more than 80% are endemic to Madagascar.[citation needed] They include the lemur infraorder of primates, the carnivorous fossa, three bird families and six baobab species.
Madagascar, as part of East Gondwana, split from Africa approximately 160 million years ago; the island of Madagascar was created when it separated from the Indian subcontinent 80 to 100 million years ago.[5] Most archaeologists estimate that the human settlement of Madagascar happened between 200 and 500 A.D., when seafarers from southeast Asia (probably from Borneo or the southern Celebes) arrived in outrigger sailing canoes.[6] The written history of Madagascar begins in the 7th century,[8 [from Wikepedia]
European Godwriting Workshop
Godwriting workshops are divine, inspirational and transformational events where participants learn to listen to their inner voice. Godwriting empowers. There is no middleman. God and the listener engage in heart to heart communication.
Workshops are conducted in a relaxed group environment. Everyone can Godwrite!.
Will you join us at one of the workshops? Please post your messages or questions on the forum.
Confirmed schedule as to date. - Saturdays and Sundays 1pm - 5pm in September
5 & 6 - this date is open for the UK. Contact us if you would like to host a Godwriting workshop.
12 & 13 - Brugge, Belgium hosed by Leen who runs Heart of the Rainbow (http://www.heartoftherainbow.be )
19 & 20 - Istanbul, Turkey hosted by Lale and Jale from Sifa Cemberi (http://www.sifacemberi.com)
26 & 27 - Turin, Italy hosted by Magda who runs Lightworkers Italia (www.lightworkers.it)
If you are travelling to the workshop from a distance, please ask about accomodation. Our hosts will be providing information on local bed and breakfasts, hostels and hotels. RSVP as soon as possible please.
U.S. And Central and Latin America Oneness Journey
To read about Gloria’s personal take on this glorious three-month trip, click wait-for-me-argentina-relocating.htm
What Heavenreaders say:
"I arrived here at Heaven on the 11th of last month after reading Heavenletters for a while on Spirit Library http://spiritlibrary.com/messages/heavenletters. Each day since, I have felt uplifted, sometimes to tears. I have gratitude for Heaven uplifting my heart and the hearts of many. There is nothing more I could ask of you." Deep peace & love Shikha, Spain
"Thank God for this wonderful day. This is heart cleaning day, and am remember You when I look at Your sunlight in the sky, and then You say: “This is My heart shining in you.” And I look at the birds singing in the tree and the flowers with the wind dancing together, and I see it is a wonderful day." Carmen, originally from the Philippines, and now from Denmark [in response to Heavenletter #3107]
"I don’t think I ever read something so perfectly written as this Heavenletter, #3101, From the Window of Love. This afternoon, while I was reading, I was thinking how your relationship, Gloria, must be with God…and how you allow God to use you…and I just felt I should drop a line about how this Heavenletter today touched me deep in my heart, and I thought, “Gee, Lord, what things has this person been thru to have such an understanding of You.” I wish everyone could read this Heavenletter." Your sister, Carolyne, Pennsylvania
[To read Gloria’s response to Carolyne, click here: from-the-window-of-love-free-will-or-destiny.htm ]
Angels Spreading Heavenletters – how far it goes, nobody knows!
Are you the wonderful person who posts Heavenletters on Spirit Library? We would love to know who you are and thank you.
Do you remember the 10 Magnificent Heavenletters? http://www.heavenletters.org/media/Magebook.pdf This collection was made years and years ago. Dr. Laura De Giorgio, thank you for reminding us of this!
I would like to ask everyone: Do you have favorite Heavenletters you would choose to include in another collection of 10? If yes, please press the Add Comment link at the end of this Heaven News and tell us which ones.
Looking forward to your responses!
Dear Heavenreaders,
Could there be other comments as uplifting as the three comments given above? Yes, there are, all the time. Look at the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum! Http://www.heavenletters.org/heaven-community.html
The Heaven database shows we have about 6,000 Heavensubscribers worldwide now. Actually, we have many more Heavenreaders than the data base shows because many people read Heavenletters on the website, and many also read Heavenletters from other ezines, newsletters, and web sites. And we know that many of you also forward choice Heavenletters to your friends and family as well. Thank you!
Like Heavenletters themselves, the quality of Heavenreaders is remarkable. I don’t know how Heavenreaders could possibly be more wonderful. If you read the comments on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum and the Godwriting blog www.godwriting.org you know what I’m talking about. The consciousness of the Heavenreadership is supreme. Every day I am amazed at the insights Heavenreaders have. Heavenreaders are truly a gift, and we are so grateful for you.
We want more subscribers like you!
I wonder, when you forward your Heavenletter to your friends, will you add a note asking your friends to subscribe – and include the link? http://www.heavenletters.org/maillist/index.php Sometimes people have to be pointed to subscribing. I believe there is an extra benefit when people subscribe themselves and receive their Heavenletters directly.
Wow, if each subscriber introduced only one more person to Heavenletters, and only half of them subscribed, there would be 3,000 new subscribers or a total of 9,000 Heavensubscribers! In the blink of an eye! If then each subscriber introduced two more people, and only half of them subscribed, then we would have 18,000! Oh, just to think of it!
Maybe even our thinking of this new spurt will bring many more new Heavensubscribers.
It has always been from word of mouth that new subscribers come.
God in Heavenletters has said we will have millions of Heavenreaders. I wonder if we can hasten this a little!
With love and blessings,
Gloria on behalf of the Spectacular Heaven Team
Ending Quote
“You are sailing on a Ship of Love in an Ocean of Love deep in the Heart of God.”
Heavenletter #3090 An Ocean of Love Deep in the Heart of God
September in London
Hi Gloria
Phase I of the plan ... have you any idea how many people would like to come? Or how many you are comfortable working with each day?
I've been looking into reasonably priced room hire in central London. One place I like is called The Drill Hall http://www.drillhall.co.uk/ which is close to Goodge Street tube station. For the dates you are looking at they can only offer meeting rooms which seat 6-8 people at £12 per hour, so for 1:00-5:00pm on Sat & Sun 5 & 6 Sept that would be a total of £96 (their bigger rooms are fully booked from 2pm at weekends). Maybe that's too small.
We could have up to 10 people at my house for no charge at all! Of course I don't live in central London so that might be a disadvantage ... but might be fun Gloria! I could bake some buns!!! Just a thought. My station (Welling) is on a direct train line to Charing Cross Station (trains from London take about 35 mins and a day ticket is v cheap - £8.10 for the whole weekend's travel!).
Anyway, back to central London venues - there is The Actors Centre (edge of Covent Garden) which has a Vocal & Singing Studio at £19 per hour. I've left a message to check room size and availability and hope they will get back to me soon.
There are meeting rooms at http://www.thespacecentre.com/prices.html close to King's Cross which are more expensive but do include refreshments.
Well, there are some initial thoughts.
Let me know what you think. And of course, any other Londoners on the forum please reply if you are interested in joining in!
Love to all