Heaven News, July 5
Welcome New Subscribers from the following 21 Countries!
Welcome New Subscribers from the following 36 States in U.S.A
Nevada, Arkansas, Oregon, North Carolina, Iowa, Texas, New Jersey, Connecticut, California, Illinois, Florida, Missouri, Minnesota, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, New York, Georgia, Michigan, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Hawaii, Virginia, New Mexico, Louisiana, Tennessee, Maryland, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Arizona, North Carolina, Vermont, Montana, Utah, Washington
A Continued Welcome to all the Subscribers who have been with us since before last Heaven News!
A Special Announcement
Dear Friends,
You know how sometimes there are dreams you didn’t know you have until they come true, and then you realize you carried a deep desire all along?
When I was in high school and college, I studied French and German. I never studied Spanish.
When I used to think of places I wanted to travel to, I would think of Japan and China and the Middle East. I had been lucky to travel to Europe and India and Thailand. In some sense, I really wanted to travel everywhere and see everything, but I never thought of going to South America.
This was like the way I didn’t give a thought to God until, wham, there I was thinking about God -- and look what happened.
Now, guess what?!
I am going to South America!
Not only am I going to Argentina -- I’m going to live there!! Argentina, South America! This feels so right.
My moving doesn’t change anything in regard to Heavenletters. Everything will stay exactly the same, except I will be living in Argentina instead of Iowa. Argentina, as it happens, is where Heavenletters have been going out from for the past year or two!
Web site and email addresses will stay the same. Wherever I go, you and my computer are coming with me!
All along, God has told us there is no such thing as distance. Come November, when I relocate, if I didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t know that I would have moved 5270 miles (8482 km) from Fairfield, Iowa to Capilla del Monte, a sacred spot in Argentina!
Santhan, who is dedicated to serving God and has been doing so much for Heavenletters, will be building spiritual centers, and the first will be in Argentina. The theme of the centers will be Spirit Becoming Human.
Santhan first mentioned this to me over a year ago. And my heart leaped up, and I had no doubt I wanted to go. From the generosity of his heart, he has offered me a place in his center.
And there’s more!
Santhan is thinking of coming to the U.S., buying an inexpensive motor home, running it on bio-diesel fuel, and driving me down to Argentina! On the way, Santhan will give Yoga workshops and maybe cooking classes, and I will give book signings and Godwriting™ workshops.
We will also be blessed to see more of two beautiful continents. Our friend, Allan, the host of the Bridging Heaven and Earth TV Show, www.heaventoearth.com suggested that what we’ll really be doing is bringing two Americas together.
On the road trip, we will start from Iowa, drive to Mt. Shasta, California, and then down the coast to Mexico. We’ll give you the exact route as soon as we know.
If you are anywhere along the way, and would like to sponsor a workshop or two -- or would like to ride with us part way – or all the way! – and/or would like to help sponsor this Oneness Tour/Spirit Becoming Human/Bringing 2 Americas Together/Peace Tour -- that would be wonderful! To contribute, click here: http://www.heavenletters.org/order.htm#monthly And many thanks!
If you might like to sponsor a workshop or travel with us, part way or all the way, would you kindly post your thoughts on the Heaven Community Forum so we can all share in the dream? http://www.heavenletters.org/forum/278 I’m all for having everything Heaven be an open book.
You will receive many responses!
Buy Heavenletter Books and CD’s before they’re gone

We still have a couple of boxes full of the first edition Heaven books. Before I move, it would make me happy to see all of the remaining Heaven books in good homes. The same for the Heaven CD. How many of the first edition of Heavenletters, Love Letters from God, Book One, and CD’s might you like to have? Order your Heavenletter Books and CDs here
A Personal Miracle in Italy
If you never read anything else, you’ve got to read this!
Loretta asked God a question through Heavenletters about her 23-year old son whose depression was so great that he had not left his room for three years. Truly, a miracle occurred. You can also read it on Selfgrowth.com http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/A_Personal Miracle.html
And thank you, Loretta, for sharing your joy with us, and thank you, Paula, for so lovingly and generously translating this miracle for us all.
Ask and Receive
Thank you, Kavita, from Vermont, for volunteering to help Santhan and Cecilia add Heavenletters into the data base and to help me as well. Welcome!
Here’s a photo of Kavita and her 14-year old dog Maddie:
Heaven’s great friend, Russ Michael (Age-reversal@aon.at) advertised for help for Heaven in his daily newsletter. Can you imagine that? Where do such giving people come from?
Some of the Great Mail That Comes to Us:
From Mary Jones, Founder and Director of Felicita Growth Center, Escondido, California www.felicitagrowthcenter.com
Greetings GLoria,
HEAVEN #2400 Sleeping Beauty, June 21, 2007 has been so inspiring, I would like to print this as a guest article along with your contact info/website etc. in my next edition of my monthly newsletter. I would like to share you with my readers, and let them know where they can also subscribe. My next newsletter will be going out by July 10th. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Many blessings, Mary Jones
From Santhan, Heaven’s Creative Director, Rosaria, Argentina www.khanyi.com
Senora, Pablo has finished translating the Heavenletter Book One into Spanish! Maybe you would like a copy to start practicing your Spanish.
Should we look for a publisher in Argentina?
From Ekene, Heaven’s National Leader in Nigeria, Author http://www.spiritmillionaires.com
Here is my foreword for the great ebook of our life -- Heavenletters.
What an Honor to be a Heavenletters' representative in my country. I want to build Heaven in in Nigeria.
I have attached Chapters 1 and 2 of the Heaven book I am putting together. Its working title is:
Love: The Secret and Law of Spirit Millionaires
From Kambala, Beloved Father of Children without Parents in India, who gives us great faith in God and humanity
On 09th June 2007 evening 6.00 pm to 6.15 pm there is big hurricane heavy rain in my place. many houses and trees, staying places are collapsed. my van shed were destroyed, roof sheet thrown out for half K.M. We give up our life to God but we are saved. no life loss...i shifted all the children to the safe place. My office was destroyed full of rain in it...all communication cut off..no power no water no phone...by the grace of God to day i got phone connection and power. We are working hard to set every thing. Please pray for us by this natural calamity. No food for one day to all of us, but God’s love is with us and His grace on us, by all your love and prayers. My camera also get down in the water it was spoil...the little baby bananas and branches went down from banana tree. The children weep before the banana tree...every day they are used to putting some water to the tree. please pray for us...with love and fear of hurricane
kambala, india
Many thanks to all the ezines and newsletters and websites who regularly post Heavenletters. We are so grateful to you.
When the Heaven book in Spanish is published, it will be added to the Greek, German, and Romanian Heaven book translations. There are a lot of Spanish-speaking people in the world. Great thanks, Pablo.
Ekene is going to do wonderful things for Heaven in his country, from circulating bumper stickers (thanks, Pedro, for sending us more!) to working on a book. May it soon be possible for Ekene to take a Godwriting workshop.
And you can tell that Kambala really is father to the children in his care. If anyone would like to help Kambala in any way, that would be wonderful. Anyone want to go out to India and help?
The same for Yogi-Ji in Nepal who feeds and educates the street children and so much more.
What would these children do and be without the care that Yogi-ji and Kambala give?
God bless all these beautiful people who share the Earth with us, and great thanks to you for being part of Heavenletters.
And one more:
And One More -- Such Love
Heavenletters are used in so many ways.
A subscriber recently told me about a friend of hers who was dying. Her friend was so loved that friends traveled in from all over the U.S. to spend some time with her before her death. This beautiful subscriber was one of the friends who traveled cross country to say goodbye. She took a packet of Heavenletters with her and read them aloud to her friend.
Recently this dear subscriber wrote me:
I called my dear friend last night...she is mostly sleeping now…but her sis put the phone by her ear, and I read her Heavenletters. I plan on doing that every night until she passes...it was very very sweet. I could hear her deep breathing and knew she was hearing it on some level.
God Quote
“Do you really think there is anyone I love more than you? If you think so, then you are also saying that I am capable of loving more and loving less. I cannot love less. I have one child, and I love My child. Beloveds, I can only love with all the love I have. I do not discriminate. Not at all. How could I? How could I possibly denounce one child of Mine?”
Submitted by Planetlightworker. See HEAVEN #2355 One Universe under God here: http://www.planetlightworker.com/articles/gloriawendroff/article30.php
God bless each and every one of you.
With love,
Gloria and The Spectacular Heaven Angels