Heaven News February 13, 2010 Beloved Heavenreaders
God Quote:
Let your life be your Valentine to the world.
Heavenletter #2603 This Way to God
Is this man between two elephants going to write a Heaven book?
Normand Bourque, an anthropologist from Perth, Western Australia, wrote:
The first thing that struck me when I started reading Heavenletters is how Heavenletters express magnificently the unique IDEA/VIBRATION on which God created each one of us. Heavenletters shine very High. They unconditionally serve the Universe. God has and is His own Theory of Universe, and Heavenletters are a source of Inspiration for the real foundations of Science, the Science of Light, Love and Creation. It inspires me to write something about the way Heavenletters cobble the road to science, when science discovers that it also has a heart.
Thank you, dear Normand.
Is this lady wearing a hat going to include Heavenletter quotations in her book of poetry?
Thank you for beautiful Heavenletters. I am compiling a book of my poems with lots of quotations and illustrations. May I quote from Heavenletters?
You bet you can, Mary! Thank you.
Come Play with Me! Godwriting™ Workshop in Fairfield, Iowa
Know the Heart of God -- Discover God's Words Personally Meant for You
Saturday, February 20 and Saturday, February 27 |12:30 P.M. to 5 P.M.
1 Workshop 2 Consecutive Sessions. Both Sessions Required for Good Journey
Workshop led by Gloria Wendroff and Santhan Naidoo -- This is your chance to meet Santhan, Great Soul and traveler.
Adults $135. Married Couples $185 Full-time Students and Seniors over 65 $85.
Paypal Account-- contributions@heavenletters.org
Or mail check to Gloria Wendroff 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA. 52556
REFRESHER COURSE for those who have already taken Godwriting Workshop -- by Donation
For more information, go to http://www.heavenletters.org/godwriting.html or email Gloria gloria@heavenletters.org
Registration Form: http://www.heavenletters.org/godwriting-workshop-registration.html
God Quote in the middle:
Only the love is imperishable, beloveds. This you keep. This you have always. All the rest is ever evanescent. That which is really you is not temporary. That which is really you is not the physical manifestation of you, just as love is not the Valentine card or box of candy.
Heavenletter #3045 Snow People
Welcome, Beloved New Subscribers from the following countries:
Argentina Aruba Denmark France Hong Kong India Ireland Peru
Philippines South Africa
You may be sure that we welcome all subscribers from every state and every country. We are happy with every new subscriber who comes. And the ones who are already subscribers as well. You are very important to us.
Beloved Translators
We are grateful for every subscriber. They bless the people who want to read Heavenletters in their mother tongue.
We are fortunate to have many many translators who regularly translate Heavenletters into Spanish:
Lourdes from Mexico below:
Elizabeth also from Spain and Maria-Luz pictured below:
Gloria from Columbia.
And from Argentina:
Anita and Hector
If I've left out any Spanish translators, please let me know, and accept my apologies.
Vanya from Bulgaria, naturally translated Heavenletters into Bulgarian:

Sascha lives in the Netherlands now but is originally from Yugoslavia and naturally has translated Heavenletters into Yugoslavian:
Ana from and Vera, both from Brazil,translate Heavenletters into Portuguese for us. Here's Vera'a photo:
More translators in next issue of New Heaven News. God bless you all.
Beloved Heavenreaders,
I think that in every Heavenletter, God is showing us His love and appreciation. All of us who are here want to come closer to God. God tells us in so many ways that we are coming closer to Him. Do you experience that sometimes too?
I know that I keep feeling closer to you. God says that our hearts -- all of our hearts -- are One. Do you sense some of that too?
If you would like to share any of your thoughts, please visit the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum. It's easy. For starters, click the Add Comment link at the end of the this New Heaven News. A box will come up where you can type in whatever you might like to say. We would like to hear it. Or you can click on the Add Comment link you will find at the end of every Heavenletter you receive. Hearing from you is like a blessing.
Some Heavenreaders have told us that they are hesitant to post because many of the posts are so insightful and marvelous. They are. It's true. And some of the most marvelous posts of all are those that simply say something like: "I really like this one."
We love to know what you are feeling and thinking. Many have been reading Heavenletters for years and years. We can't ask for more! Nevertheless, we do ask to hear from you!
With love and blessings,
Gloria and the Spectacular Heaven Team
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Be a Heaven Angel!
Cosmic Generator
What good fortune comes up for you?
End God Quote:
When Abraham Lincoln as a boy walked miles to repay a penny, the point is not so much that he repaid the penny. The point is he did what he said he would do.
...Be simple of speech. Make each word you speak be worth its weight in gold. You are a selector of words. You are beading a necklace with your words. Your words are the beads. Make sure the necklace stays together and will not come apart. Tie each bead to the truth.
Heaven #1606 No Feeding the Egos