Heaven News December 24, 2007
Opening God Quote:
”Do you think creation is more powerful than the Creator of it?”
Heavenletter #2576 Your Daily Bread
New subscribers from all over the world and U.S. since last Heaven News
From 14 Countries around the world:

From 24 States in U.S.
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Kansas Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin
Welcome, New Translating Angels
Last issue, we asked for translators, and, to our delight, three more translators came!
The three new languages are: Croatian, French, and Tagalog.
We are so grateful.

Daniela Knapic (left) is translating Heavenletters into Croatian.
CC Montagne is translating Heavenletters into French.
Lea Cabuguas, with the help of Ted Krieza, is translating Heavenletters into Tagalog, the official language of The Philippines.
Above is an art photo of Heaven’s translator, Vanya Toneva (right of Daniela), from Bulgaria. Here is a link to Vanya's Yahoo profile.
God bless all the translators. You are a great blessing and are much appreciated.
Heavenletters in All Languages
From Santhan:
”Consider Me the lock. Consider yourself the key. You are the key that turns the lock. You are the key that opens the Vast Universe before you.”
This is the Heavenletter selected for the Heavenletters in All Languages intention. We will begin with Heavenletter #2582 The Lock and the Key
Even if you are someone who can translate only one Heavenletter in your lifetime, will you translate this one? What will happen in our world when this one Heavenletter is translated into a hundred languages – or a thousand?
Love to All the Countries in the World
If you haven’t visited the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum yet, you are really missing out. There is no finer forum in the world than this one. I can say that because of the wise generous Heavenreaders who read Heavenletters and post on the forum:
Just to give you an example, Jim is regularly posting blessings to all the countries of the world, one at a time. This is one of the most beautiful spontaneous things I have ever seen. This kind of consideration has to bring peace to the world because it truly came from Jim’s heart.
Jim, have you remembered the Polynesian Islands?
Scroll down to see Christiane, our first subscriber from Tahiti!
Live Internet Heavenletter Radio Show – Call In!
Elizabeth Foley, www.divinehealing.us a long-time subscriber, is launching a new LIVE Internet Radio Interview Show, The Phoenix Hour, on www.toginet.net. TogiEntertainment is a large community website with video, music, books and, of course, talk shows. I am honored to be Elizabeth’s first guest, and Elizabeth and I are inviting you – all 5,000 of you! -- to call in during the show. Maybe you have a question you have always wanted to ask! I would most love to hear from Heaven Subscribers who would have such great questions.
The Heavenletter one-hour interview is on Wednesday, January 9, 4-5 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. Dial 877 864 4869 from within the US and +1 877 864 4869 for international callers.
To listen in to the radio show, go to www.toginet.net. On the upper right, press either Launch Flash Media or Launch WinMedia Player.
Then, on Wednesday, January 9, 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, look for the Phoenix Hour and click there.
[Editor: International callers will pay international rates to a US toll-free number, however one may create a www.skype.com account and use a microphone/headset device to call US toll-free numbers for free. You will need a broadband/adsl internet connection to get telephone quality conversation.]
Try the Cosmic Heavenletter™ Generator
More Nice Stuff

The Titus Concept
Our friend Al Diaz has posted the following quote from Heavenletters on his website:
“The source of the energy of money is within you, for you have the use of the infinite energy of God.”
When I read the following on Al’s site, http://www.thetitusconcept.com , for a moment I wondered if I were reading Heavenletters’ goals:
- It is all about simply having the Freedom.
- To BE empowered.
- To live through Love instead of fear.
- To function from your Heart instead of ego.
- To kNow and trust beyond faith and hope.
- To raise your level of awareness.
- To move forward from wherever you are now.
- To have even more Joy in your Life.
- To honor who you are and what you are.
- To Love your Self even more unconditionally.
- To simplistically create the Lifestyle you desire or require effortlessly.
- To kNow that absolutely everything is for your best and highest good
What I love too is that Al doesn’t think he has all the answers.

Love Ourselves Island
Our friend Alicia Lahti is putting together a whole section on her forum devoted to Heavenletters! Where do such generous appreciative people come from? It must be from God. http://p086.ezboard.com/floveourselvesfrm81 Alicia handles all the technical aspects herself. Alicia says that her most favorite of all Heavenletters is # 2574 Be a Reporter of Good News. By day, Alicia is a successful businesswoman. By night she is a lightworker.

Here isChristiane (above left), Our First Subscriber from Tahiti who wrote:
“I heard of you from a friend who gave me your email address. It is a pleasure to read Heavenletters. Thank you. Christiane.“
Who is this friend who introduced Christiane to Heavenletters? Many thanks to you. And from what country in the world do you come from?
The Godwriting™ Blog
One of the great recent entries is a personal question deep from the heart of Jochen and, of course, God’s response. Jochen’s question is everyone’s question. Jochen Asks God a Question
Here is what Jochen posted on the blog after he read the insightful comments from Heavenreaders:
“I have been helped more than I can say since I found Heaven Letters a few weeks ago.
More, in fact, than in several decades that went before. If some of the blessings I am
receiving are useful for any of you — oh, that is happiness, isn’t it?”
Come to the Godwriting Blog. www.godwriting.org
Heavenreader Quote
The following quote from a post on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum is profound.
It’s one you want to sit with a little, like wine, to savor its full richness.
“Thank you, God, for believing in me!”
Xenia, Canada
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Holiday Love!
Here's a partial listing of Heavenletters related to Christmas, holidays and New years.
God Quote
"I carry trays laden with sweetmeats. I give you water to drink and ripe fruit. All fruit is ripe today. This is the perfect day, for you have arisen. You have met Me in the horizon of the world. You have procured Me from Heaven. You didn’t meet Me half-way. You went right up to Me and took Me by the hand."