Heaven News December 07, 2007
Opening God Quote:
"You are here for a reason, and you can be sure that the
reason is not to complain."Heavenletter #2549 Sow the Seeds Suggested by Bernie Siegel, M.D., Author
New subscribers from all over the world and U.S. since last Heaven News
From 22 Countries around the world:

![Polynesia [First Subscriber from Tahiti!]](http://www.heavenletters.org/sites/all/themes/h/flags/polynesia.jpg)

From 28 States in U.S.
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin
The Cosmic Heavenletter ™ Generator
Have Fun! Become Enlightened!
See what Heavenletter comes up for you TODAY.
Would you like to use technology and Universal flow to select a Heavenletter that is MEANT JUST FOR YOU?
Would you like to receive your LUCKY personal inspirational Heavenletter for
Now -- the Love Letter that is meant for YOU and YOU ALONE?
Look for the link on the right margin near the top on the web site called
Cosmic Heavenletter Generator
Press this link:
Heavenletters from the universe
or click the image below to receive your personal Heavenletter!
Have fun! God bless Mojah Media.
Special Award for Heavenletters
Congratulations, Gloria, we are delighted to announce you have been accepted as one of our Love Ambassadors. Santhan Naidoo recently nominated you for this designation. Your willingness to live your life dedicated to the vision of love is a potent model for so many. By your words, deeds and actions, you are having a profound impact on all those you contact. We are grateful and happy to extend this recognition to you.
As this is a special program for us to acknowledge the silent heroes of love, you are a wonderful addition to this group on our site. We are honored to connect with so many like you from around the world that quietly share their vision and personal commitment to loving unconditionally.
Your name and country/state location have been placed on a special page at our web site at Love Ambassador
We look forward to sharing more of this journey of love with you.
Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
John T. Goltz
Vice President
And The Board of Directors
The Love Foundation, Inc.
Think: Global Love Day
Feel: Love Begins With Me
Remember: May 1, 2008
Wonderful award, and thank you so much. Of course, you must all know the award belongs to Heavenletters.
Welcome, New Translating Angel
We are so happy to welcome Ana from Brazil, our first Portuguese translator. Ana has lived in Miami, Florida, for fourteen years, and has been a professional translator for twenty years.
Ana wrote: “When I read one Heavenletter, I instantly felt a connection.”
God bless you, Ana, for making it possible for native speakers of Portuguese to be able to read Heavenletters in their own language. And we look forward to seeing your posts on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum very soon!
God bless all the translators. Isn’t it a wonderful thing that people all over the globe join in to help bring Heavenletters to the world?
Help Wanted!
Are you one of the volunteer angels we are looking for? Please apply within! (Ask your heart, that is!) If you get a Yes, then email gloria [at] Heavenletters [dot] org
Right now we need good people to:
*Add photographs to forum occasionally. www.heavenletters.org
*Add photographs to the Godwriting blog. www.godwriting.org
* Send out plain text Heavenletters every day. Takes only a few minutes, but it’s every day, 7 days a week.
* Go through Archives and find Heavenletters on certain topics. POSITION FILLED. Thanks, Annette.
* Translate Heavenletters. We are looking for more and more Loving Translators to add to the dear ones we have. What is your language? Translate as often as you like, and take your pick of Heavenletters to translate.
We are blessed with very active translators now in Bulgarian, Catalan, Finnish, German, Italian, Spanish, and Turkish . Our dear Dutch translator especially asks for more translators to pitch in.
We also are looking for people to translate Polish, Greek, Norwegian, Albanian, Hebrew, and Romanian every language on Earth -- you name it!
I had the pleasure of visiting in Romania (and Greece and Germany) a year ago, thanks to two great publishers, Panos Axiomakaros and Monica Visan. “Heavenletters™, Love Letters from God, Book One“ was translated into Romanian and published there, yet where oh where is a Romanian translator now?
Truth be told, we are especially eager to find translators in EVERY language.
Are you one of the translators we have been longing for?
Workshop in Chicago
Laurie Sucher, an artist in Chicago, has graciously offered to coordinate a Godwriting™ workshop. Interestingly, Laurie’s last name means Seeker!
Laurie wrote: “I have just the place for it and just the people for it too!”
As soon as we know our itinerary for the motor home tour of the U.S. and points south, we can post specific dates etc. Probably February but could be later.
Laurie, Self-Portrait in a Chinese Jacket
More Nice Heaven Stuff
It’s really true what we say at the end of all the Heavenletters and Heaven News. New subscribers come from you. Thank you.
There are so many newsletters and websites that publish Heavenletters. I am so grateful. Now here is a new one.
Mary Hession (Mary Josephine on the forum) wrote:
“I wondered if you would allow me to make a web page out of Heavenletters and put it on my site? I don't normally have anybody else's material on my site, but Heavenletters are so beautiful ~ indeed Divine. I would like to create a piece of Heaven on my site, just for Heaven's Letters. This would help so many people through various perceived losses! Is this okay?”
Mary, you ask if this Is okay? This is our dream come true. We would be so grateful. We want Heavenletters to reach as many people as possible. Thank you for doing this for Heavenletters. Your presentation is gorgeous!
We have so many more to thank who feature Heavenletters in their ezines and on their websites.
Please know we are so grateful to each and every one of you. There isn’t room in every Heaven News to thank everyone.
We shall have to think of something.
Many Thanks to All Who Come to Godwriting™ Blog and Forum
Especial thanks to all who post their comments. I love what you have to say on the Godwriting Blog www.godwriting.org and the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum http://www.heavenletters.org/heaven-community.html including your responses to other people who post.
I cannot get enough of your input. I thrive on it. You give so much inspiration and upliftment. That you post rather than email has made my work much easier, my inbox much more manageable. I am grateful to you for posting.
Here is only one sample of the love and wisdom you can find from other Heavenreaders like you:
“We all have to be angels for one another.”
Iris Born, The Netherlands
Here is one of my most favorite recent blog entries:
There is a new blog entry every day!
Many thanks to all Heavenreaders
Thank you for being here.
Thank you for spreading the light of Heavenletters.
You are angels.
We are so grateful.
Gloria and the Spectacular Heaven Team
God Quote:
“This is the Year of Love, beloveds. It has started. The end of what you call 2007 followed by 2008 is a high wave of love, and you are to ride on this wave-swell. You can handle a Tsunami wave of My heart’s love...”
Heavenletter #2595 The Year of Love (to appear January 2, 2008)